The talk begins

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This story begins at the end of the episode Beneath the Surface (4x10)

Sam Pov.

On the way home I wanted to talk to o'neill about what happend. But i dont think he wants to talk about it, Or even admit that he has feeling for me. I know he admited hes feelings in the past. But I just think he wants to get over me. I just think he wants to forget all about it. To move on.

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Back at SGC i was in my lab thinking over what happened. And then I heard a knock at the door. It was o'neill.
"hi sir"
"hey carter"
"whats up?"
"umm are you ok?"
No im not ok i thought .
"yes why?"
"you didn't seem ok to me and carter I know when your not ok"
And then it all came out.
"i cant take it any more"
"what do you mean"
"the feelings I have I cant help them there just there"
He looked at me.
I sarted to tear up.
"I cant help them, there just there they won't go away I tried to stop them but i dont know how"
I started to tear up even more.
He said holding out his left hand
I put my right hand in his left hand
He pulled me up and huged me
"carter i cant help the way I feel to but we have to get though it for both of us"
Still a bit teary
"sir all I want is to be with you. It hurts not to be"
"i know carter it hurts me to but there is no other way"
"i know"
I then started to cry.
O'neill gives me a big hug.
"Sir I just feel safe in your arms. Everytime I hug you i just feel happy. Never felt this way before"
"carter i never felt this way before ether. not even with Sarah. its different this time i feel more loyel to you. i don't know how to explane it. im not good with my feeling like that. all i can think about is you. i cant get you out of my head"
i just steared at him. i didnt know what to say. all i want to do is kiss him. but even that was bad enough.
"i dont no how to rspond to that with out brakeing the rules"
he smiled at me
"carter i know"
he gives me a hug and leaves.
then i droped my head in to my folded arms on my desk. and cryed.
and we never spoke of it again.

Please let me no if you like it and I might right more stories thanks
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