"A furry heater." (Argbur and Catbur)

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Main bursonas: Argbur and Catbur
Category: Fluff, I think.
CW/TW: A furry Wilbur /j. Possible paranoia.
This story does not contain romantic stuff.
Please enjoy this story.

Argbur was, as usual, in his bedroom, it was around 04:27 am, he was sleep deprived and also very, very cold. You could hear his fingers clicking each key of his laptop, he seemed to be writing another editor request e-mail, didn't he had enough already after editing for JackSucksAtLife? Seems like Kai actually kept the editor job. When he sent the e-mail, a few minutes later, his laptop turned off, and he realize he forgot to connect the charger to it, and since it's a very cheap laptop, it will not turn on until it's completely charged.

Argbur looked around in that moment, the loneliness, the darkness, there wasn't any sound, it felt like an empty void in his room. The silence was so loud, so extremely loud, and his frostbite didn't help at all, it only made him feel worse than he already felt in that moment, he felt lonely, cold, and trapped.

Everything felt so suffocating, Argbur was feeling colder, his laptop turning off made him finally snap back to reality, it made him realize how cold it was in his room, how lonely he was in his room, how quiet everything was during those hours. "I'm. . . so cold. . ." He manages to mutter out, but no one heard him, not a single soul, everyone was sleeping, and the only bur that wasn't sleeping never went near his room because it was always cold near it.

The silence began to get into Argbur's mind, it began to spread like vines all around his head, all he could hear was his shaky breathing, he hugged himself, in attempt of keeping himself warm, it never worked, of course, but it was worth a try, right? He kept muttering the words "I'm so cold" almost non-stop, hoping that something would come eventually, hoping that something or someone would help him to be at least a little bit warmer, but of course that wouldn't happen.

As the silence when on, let's say he also began to feel slightly watched, was he getting paranoid again? Seems like it. "It'll be fine" he thought to himself, in an attempt of tricking himself, as he hugged himself tighter, he was completely shivering at this point, even thought he was wearing his warm, black jacket, he was freezing. Despite the temperature probably being around 13° Celsius, for Argbur it felt like it was -17° Celsius, which was a lot more than how he usually felt it. He was lost I his thoughts, thinking he was going to die, and that probably no one ever ever ever was gonna realize, kinda catastrophical thinking.

Suddenly, he gets pulled put his thoughts and slightly jumps when he hears a knock on the door, or well, some scratches on the door. The silence suddenly being broken by those scratches kinda scared him, but it was mostly because he got caught off guard. "C- come in. . ." He muttered as loud as he could, which really wasn't very loud, it was almost like a whisper, an agonizing whisper, the door cracked open, and then was closed almost immediately. Argbur began to feel like he was being stared at, so he managed to look at both sides slowly, and got practically jumpscared by a Catbur who was kneeling next to him, keep in mind, Argbur was sitting on his desk chair.

Catbur was the shortest of them all, yes, even more short than Incelbur, he also had selective mutism, which is why he rarely even talked. He was staring at Argbur, he then got up, and tried to help Argbur out of the chair, which was pretty difficult, considering their height difference. Catbur, since he was a cat, he was also extremely warm, when he successfully got Argbur off the chair, he led him to his bed, and got him under the covers. "It's cold. . ." Argbur said, the poor man was still shivering, he seemed to not get any warmer.

Catbur got him all covered under the blankets, and then got on the bed, on top of every blanket, and in consequence of being a cat, on top of Arbug. This made Argbur let out a little squeak, since he practically had a whole ass human on top of him, except it wasn't completely a human, but you know. "Catbur. . could you like. . . Get off- me. . " Argbur said, no answer came out, Catbur didn't move, well, he did move, but it was just to lay down on top of the cold man, in his own way of cuddling him. Catbur let out a "Mrph" sound, and he seemed happy, Argbur slightly sneezed, seems like he's allergic to cats.

Despite being trapped under a bunch of blankets and under a cat, he did begin to feel slightly warmer, and it was good, he began to calm down from whatever kind of loneliness and paranoia he was feeling, and eventually, he fell asleep, with his glasses on. Catbur was purring, stretching, things cats do, even if he wasn't exactly a cat either, he was just happy, eventually he fell asleep too, it was 04:59 am.

Catbur was like a heater, his warm body always helped out Argbur in this situations when the other burs weren't awake, it's not like everyone cared about Argbur, in fact, some of them didn't really give a fuck about him, but when the only burs who really cared about him weren't there in the moment, Catbur was the one who was with him, Catbur was who made him feel at least more warm, even if that meant probably suffocating by having him on top of his body.

The next morning, or may I say, afternoon, since Argbur woke up at 03:45 pm, Catbur was nowhere to be seen, and Argbur was still cold. He got up, and realized he didn't leave his laptop charging, so he connected the charger. He finally left his room, after, at least, 3 and a half days, and before you guys asks, most rooms have persona bathrooms. He didn't even say hi to anyone, he just went to the kitchen, grabbed something to eat, and went back to his room, what was he gonna do if his laptop was charging? Argbur things, he closed the door, and after a few minutes, someone knocked the door. "Argburrrrr, can I go in?" That voice was from Simpbur, he kept on knocking the door, Argbur just stared at it, and then got up to open it.

But that's a story for another day.


Thank you so much for reading, sorry if it's bad, my mind is not really thinking in this moment since it's late, but I'm proud by the fact the chapter is pretty much long. I hope you guys enjoyed it.

Published August 20th, 2023. 03:00 am.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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