"Harmless drops of water." [Phantombur & Ghostbur]

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Main bursonas: Phantombur and Ghostbur.
Category: Mild angst and fluff.
CW/TW: Self-harm.
Please enjoy this story.

Phantombur was awake, it was around 02:47 am, it was dark, perfect moment for it to be awake. All of the other burs were sleeping, or that's what it thought, due to all the lights being turned off. It went out of its room, heading to the kitchen for a night snack, it knew L'manbur would get mad for "wasting food", but Phantom didn't care.

It grabbed an apple and two cereal bars, and decided to head back to its room, until it heard a noise coming from one of the bedrooms, it left the apple and the cereal bars on a nearby table and went check, eventually it identified the noise came from Ghostbur's bedroom, which was strange, Ghostbur was usually asleep at that hour. Phantom approached the door a little and heard water noises on the other side of the door, why were there water noises in Ghostbur's bedroom when he clearly can't touch water? That made Phantom worry, so it went invisible and crossed the door to have a look at the situation, the moment it got a better look it couldn't believe its eyes.

Ghostbur was sitting on his bed, with a water bottle in his hands, he was dropping drops of water on his arm, his lifeless white eyes looked more lifeless than usual in that moment, those eyes were dropping tears, making his cheeks burn, and his grey arm was darker due to the water dropping on it. Yet he looked somewhat happy while doing it, no reaction to the harm he was doing to himself, as if he was used to it.

Phantom looked so worried at the sight of Ghostbur doing that to himself, it couldn't just stay there and watch his friend, his ghost pal, do that. Phantom approached, still invisible, it kneels down in front of Ghostbur, before revealing itself and quickly grabbing the water bottle. "Please don't harm yourself anymore." It said, looking straight at the lifeless eyes of Ghostbur, he stared at Phantom for a moment, as it stood up and left the water bottle on the night table. Ghostbur kept staring at it, before muttering something. "I'm sorry." "Don't say sorry, Ghosty. It's not your fault." Phantombur said, before sitting next to him on the bed, it looks at him with a worried expression.

"What's wrong ghosty? Did something happen to you?" Ghostbur remains quiet, just some silent sobs of guilt could be heard, he felt extremely guilty for harming himself, it was stupid, or at least that's what he thought. Phantom just nodded, in an understanding way. "Do you want a hug Ghosty?" It asks, again, Ghostbur remains quiet, but in a very sudden move, he hugs Phantom tightly, his sobs became more loud now, as he felt slightly more comfortable.

Phantom hugs him back, it slightly caressed his head in a comforting way, after some time, Ghostbur finally broke the silence. "I was just sad about something stupid." Phantom got a bit weirded out by that, not un a bad way, but more of a curious way. "Something stupid? Ghosty, whatever reason it was, it wasn't stupid, trust me. Do you want to share what happened?" It asked, looking at the ghost next to it, Ghostbur looks up and nods, sniffing slightly before pulling away from the hug. "I've just been overall sad. For the last few years, I think. It's just an endless sadness that I can't seem to take away... Blue is not enough anymore."

Phantom looked slightly shocked at those words, there had been some moments that could've indicate that Ghostbur was depressed or something similar, but every single one of the burs pulled it off as if it was nothing, after all, Ghostbur was always pretty sensitive and sad from time to time, it was easy to push away his feelings. Phantombur sighs, it realizes all the possible damaged made by everyone pushing off his feelings, that though made it get a bittersweet taste in its mouth, it never wanted Ghostbur to feel that way. "I'm sorry you're feeling that way Ghosty, and I apologize if I was part of the reason of you feeling that way."

"Please don't apologize. It was not your fault Phantom. It's just me and my mind being stupid again." "Ghostbur, please never say something like that ever again." Phantom quickly pulled Ghostbur into another hug, it wanted to make him feel comfortable and safe, because that's what he needed, comfort. Ghostbur held on tight to Phantom before starting to sob and cry, he felt guilty about the way he felt, about the way he copes with that feeling of sadness and emptiness, about the way his arms and most likely his whole body looked because of it.

Phantom comforted him for a long while, making sure he actually let his feelings out, when Ghostbur seemed to be more calm Phantom spoke. "Do you want something? I don't know, food?" Ghostbur stares at Phantom, and hugs it tighter. "I want you to be here." He whispers, he obviously needed someone right now. Phantom just nods, and after some seconds it helps Ghostbur get under the blankets of the bed, it then makes sure the curtains are closed, the sun may rise in like an hour or so, and it seemed like Phanton was gonna be there for the rest of the night.

After making sure the curtains are fully closed it goes under the blankets too, next to Ghostbur, he immediately hugs it, and it just smiles, it caresses his hair, trying to give comfort and a sense of safety, after like 10 minutes Ghostbur falls asleep, and Phantom gives him a soft kiss on the head, before pretty much staring at the ceiling. "...Fuck, my apple and cereal bars." It mutters, guess it'll have to wait until later to eat something, along with L'manbur lecturing it.

Some hours pass, it's currently around 08:38 am, the sun is up already, and it shomes through the curtains. Ghostbur was waking up. "Mh... Phantom..?" He says, it was obvious he was still waking up. "Morning Ghosty! Did you sleep well?" Phantom asks, Ghostbur just holds himself close once again, before nodding slowly. "It was a good sleep because you didn't leave me." Phantom slightly smiles at what he said, it snuggles onto Ghostbur's chest, as it begins feeling tired because of the time it was.

Ghostbur allowed Phantom to do that, it really didn't bother him at all, plus, it felt really comfortable. He held Phantom close, and hummed a melody, that made Phantom fall asleep very quickly, even if it tried to not fall asleep right there.

[Time skip. 11:25 am.]

Most of the burs were already awake at this point, Ghostbur had to get up like an hour ago, leaving Phantom asleep in his bedroom, but now it was awake again. It left Ghostbur's bedroom, getting blinded by the sunlight that came in through the windows, it walked pretty quickly, trying to get to its own bedroom, but someone's voice stopped it.

"Don't think I don't know what you did last night in the kitchen, Phantom fucking bur." Phantom turned around, to see L'manbur, clearly mad. "Well, sorry for being hungry I guess. I'll go to my room now, if you excuse me." It replied, sounding tired, obviously wanting to sleep. "Oh, don't think you're going anywhere yet." L'manbur gave Phantom a 20 minutes lecture on why taking food and not even eating it was a full waste of food, but Phantom just turned invisible and headed to its room.

Phantom refused to leave its bedroom and didn't eat anything that day until the next night.

If you readed until the end, thank you so much. I do think of this chapter as a very good one, considering it's the first chapter I've wrote in this book (the requests indications don't count). Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, see you next time.

Originally published July 9th, 2023. 02:43 am. Republished August 15th, 2023. 01:51 pm.

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