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While getting dressed i was worried we would run into Alayna or one of her friends but Umar seemed to not care about that anymore. I can see why though.

"Are you ready?" He ask opening my door.

I sit on the bed in a bright orange thigh length dress and a pair of orange wedges with my natural curls falling behind my ear.

I spray some perfume as I nod at him.

He walks up to me.

"You are the prettiest woman I've ever seen." He says grabbing my face and pulling me into a kiss leaving my lip gloss shimmering on his lips.

He was wearing a white pair of jeans and a black button up shirt that was showing parts of his chest tattoos.

I just bite my lip and look at him admiring it.

"Hurry up and get in the car before I fuck you going out the door." He says

I roll my eyes. He's always horny.

I make my way out the door and to his car. He doesn't let me touch the door handle and i get in. I've never been treated so amazing in my whole lifetime.

"Where are we going?" I ask as we get on the road. His hands lie on my thighs caressing them.

"Im going to show you where I work. I know you've been wondering." He says looking slightly at me.

I nod wanting to get there already and to see what he does. And also a dress was maybe too formal for me to be visiting his work. He called off sick but i guess he told the people that he was coming to get papers and work on them at home.

After driving for what seemed like forever we parked into this big ass cooperation building. I couldn't even see the top of it from being inside the car.

"This is my business. I made this from the ground up." Umar says as he comes to open my door.

"Really? What happens here?" I ask as we walk hand in hand to the entrance.

I was a little worried they were going to notice i was not Umar's wife but no one in the office seemed to care.

"I own that beach. And that one anddd that one." He said as we got on and elevator and he started pointing to different directions.

I opened my mouth in aw. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"I know everything that happens on my beaches. That's how i found out about you. I didn't want anyone else near until i saw for myself." He said looking at me.

"So you own 3 beaches?" I ask still stuck on that part.

"About to be four once we close this deal." He said walking out of the elevator and latches on to my hand tightly. I didn't know why until I looked up.

"Hi son." A man that looked just like Umar said but he had a little accent.

"Father." He said back tighten his grip on my hand again.

"Why are you here with the woman we found on the beach?" His father asked.

"Because i wanted to show her around." He said back.

"She should be back to living her old life. Now why is she back here with you?" His father said not stopping till he got the answer he wanted.

"I don't answer to you father. You know i respect you but my business is mine." He snaps.

"Son. I'm not here to mess with you. I quite literally never liked Alayna anyways." His dad says mainly to me.

I smile at his dad.

"You are a beautiful woman and of course like any father i want whats best for my son." He said but Umar just pulled me closer. He was possessive it kinda turned me on.

"I just came to pick up a few files." Umar said.

His dad nodded and waved me a goodbye.

We continued down the hall and im guessing to where his office was. Once we were in he closed the door and i started to look around when he slammed me on the table. It didn't hurt at all though.

"You are mine." He said as he pulled my dress up.

He pauses for a moment.

"Where's your underwear?" He asked.

"I hoped something like this would happen." I said looking back at him.

His eyes went low and he sunk into me and he covered my mouth. And as he pounded into me all i saw was the stars dancing behind my eyes and the ocean view we had. He thrust in and out for about two more minutes before i dropped to my knees to swallow every little drop of him.

This fuck session was a little shorter than the other times because we told his father that we would be in and out quickly and I'd say we stood by that.

We cleaned up and he grabbed the files and i limped towards the elevator. Once i made it to the car I collapse in my seat.

"We have one more stop to make before we go back home." He said smirking. I groaned and closed my eyes.

We pulled up to the beach that was about a mile away from the house. I was feeling better after the thirty minute drive but still had some discomfort.

"I didn't bring a swimsuit." I say.

"We're not going to swim." And as he says that there's a picnic blanket in the sand and food scattered all around. The sight looked amazing.

"This is beautiful." I say as I sit down on the blanket.

"I know. I used to come here all the time with my aunt to watch the sunset." He said.

"Where is she now?" I ask.

"In heaven hopefully." He says looking at the sky in front of us.

I reach for his hand and he gladly takes it. We talk for an hour getting to know each other and enjoying each others company. Soon the sunset comes and its peaceful silence.

I want to stay here forever. In his arms. At peace. And happy.

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