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It's been three days since that morning me and Umar first had sex and his wife was coming home today. Parts of me were nervous and other parts were still sore from what happened on the couch last night.

We'd been fucking any and everywhere for the past four days and we were both addicted.

I don't know how he would act with his wife. And honestly i didn't want to know.

"Stop it she's going to be here any moment." I say trying to get him to stop leaving hickeys on my neck and trying to push him off but he was like a kid in a candy shop.

"We still have a few hours before she even gets on the plane baby. Just enjoy it." He says squeezing my ass.

"No. We need to take a shower and cover up my hickeys." I say trying to get out of his reach.

He stops kissing me and sits up.

"Don't cover them Armani."

"I have to or she's going to get suspicious Umar." I say painfully getting out of bed.

"She won't find out but don't cover up my hard work." He says kissing my neck.

"She will and I'm going too. Maybe you need to talk to her. Maybe it's all just been some kind lf miscommunication." I say walking over to the bathroom.

He stares in the way of the door frame as i strip to get in the shower.

"Im not talking about shit with her. I've tried talking to her Armani she won't listen."

"She still loves you. Did you not see how jealous she got when i first came here a month ago?"

"I don't care who she loves anymore. Im tired of fighting with her and until you came she wouldn't even touch me. Why should we feel guilty for fucking when she wouldnt even give me the time of day?" He finishes walking over to me.

"Because you are still married."

"You didn't seem to care about that when you were screaming my name on the couch yesterday."

I scoff and turn the shower on and hop in.

"Listen, what we did was unexpected but I'll never regret you." Umar says trying to get in with me.

"Leave Umar." Is all i say before closing the shower door and letting it fog up so he's no longer visible.

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