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A Love Stronger Than Fate

After 2 years of courting Angel, she finally said yes and we became a couple. I thought we had reached our happy ending, but little did I know that there were still more challenges to come.

Ken, Angel's ex, suddenly wanted her back. He had found out that his current girlfriend, Miya, had cheated on him and was pregnant, but not with his child.

Angel still had lingering feelings for Ken, and I could sense it. I confronted her one day, wanting to know the truth.

"Angel, do you still love Ken?" I asked, crossing my arms and looking into her eyes.

"Mario, you already helped me move on. I don't love Ken anymore!"

"Then why were you so happy when he hugged you earlier?"

"It was just a hug, don't be jealous!"

"Angel, tell me the truth. Do you still love Ken?" I shouted in frustration.

"No, Mario! I love you now. Not Ken!"

"You're such a liar! Why were you smiling so sweetly earlier? You always get mad at me, but when it comes to Ken, you never get angry even though he doesn't make an effort!" I yelled. "Let's call off the relationship, Angel!"

Without waiting for her response, I stormed off, consumed by jealousy. It had been six months since we last spoke.

During those six months, Angel was worried about me. She couldn't bear the pain of not talking to me anymore.

Finally, she made a decision. She would go to my house and confront me about the situation.

"Akala ko call off muna tayo, Angel?" I said when I opened the door.

"Forget about calling it off, Mario! Let's break up," she said firmly.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing from my beloved girlfriend.

"What?" I exclaimed, my voice getting louder.

"Do you even know how I feel about us?" Angel said angrily. "Our paths crossed, but we weren't destined to be. So let's end this!"

"That saying is meaningless," I shouted back. "I don't believe in those things. Our love is stronger than any fate or destiny. I believe that we chose each other, and as long as we want to be together, we will. We create our own path, and I wouldn't have it any other way."

Angel couldn't respond to what I had said. She couldn't argue against my determination and belief in our love.

"But if you want to go back to Ken, go ahead!" I continued.

"Mario, do you know why I smiled so sweetly when Ken wanted to get back together?" she asked.

"I don't want to know. If you want to go back to Ken, go ahead. I'm setting you free!"

"I don't love him anymore, Mario. I was just happy because karma caught up to him," she explained. "Miya cheated on him, and he was devastated. He finally realized how serious he was about her, but she didn't take their relationship seriously. So now he doesn't have anyone to comfort him. I don't want him anymore, Mario. It's you that I want. Now I know that I love the right person, Mario."

And with those words, I knew that my years of waiting had been worth it. I married Angel, the girl I had loved since elementary school. She became my wife, the mother of my children, and the love of my life.

Yes, I didn't believe in the saying "Our paths crossed but we weren't destined to be." Because I believe that our love is stronger than any fate or destiny. I believe that we chose each other, and we will stay together as long as we want to. We create our own path, and I wouldn't have it any other way. And so, our love blossomed, defying all odds and proving that sometimes, true love is stronger than any obstacles that come its way.

Love Defying Fate: A Journey of Chosen Paths

Waiting for someone: A Tale of Patience and Longing Where stories live. Discover now