Affogato's Sugar Zaddy

251 4 6

A/n: I feel high


A normal day at the headquarters, palace, fuck it I don't know.
Affogato types away in his phone not caring that his keyboard was too goddamn loud oh my god I will rip that phone out his hands.

Anyways, Affogato giggles and gaggles (is that even a word.) This makes Licorice curious. "What the fuck are you doing?" He politely asks, Affogato ignores him and continues to gaggle at his phone like a school girl stalking their crush, sorry.

"Seriously what are you even doing? You've been staring at that goddamn phone for God knows how long!" Oh yeah did I tell you that affogato has been like this since the past week? Well now I did, "Licorice, Shut up you're ruining my mood!" Affogato throws a pillow at Licorice to shut him up
"But, why were you giggling at your phone all day?" Asks my beautiful wife Red Velvet, ilovehimsimuchyallicantexplaintoyouguyshownuchilovehimohmygod.

"Just some guy I met a week ago" "bro, that's gay." "Shut up Licorice" licorice shuts up obviously.

Suddenly the bitch fucking squeals like a high pitched piglet that has been butchered alive or some shit, so everyone started screaming because. Why not

"Why are we screaming" asks the walking talking Mushroom kid, they covered their ears because Affogato's squeal was loud that it almost made their eardrums bleed.

"He just sent me [big ass money]" everyone goes fucking silent "HOLY SHIT" the slimy booger I mean Licorice yells shocked, Red Velvet is unfazed such as Poison mushroom, "Why are you shocked Licorice?" Red Velvet asks "AFFOGATO IS A DISCORD KITTEN!!"

"I am not a discord kitten! I don't even have discord!"





"Affogato we don't have enough money to pay rent"

"Oh yeah."


A/n: They are poor. Donate by commenting

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