More or Less

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Harry's POV

I opened my heavy eyelids to see a black figure leaning over me. My eyes adjusted the lights and after what felt like minutes my eyes focused on the figure. Liam was leaning over me with a worried expression. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked around in the white room. Niall and Zayn was standing against the wall by the end of the bed.

“Where am I?” I mumbled and putted a hand on my head that felt like it was going to explode in any second. Something pulled my hand and I turned my head to see a needle in my hand that was connected with a tube. I followed the slang until I saw that it was put together with an IV pole.

“Harry you're in a hospital.” Liam said and laid a hand on my shoulder and sighted.

“W-Why a-am I...?” I started but all the memories came back in a second.

The fight me and Anna had.

The car ride.

Anna's tears.

The accident.

Anna's face expression before her head smacked into the window.

My scream.

I snatched up from the flashback and panic grabbed my body. The picture of Anna crying hunted my mind. How could I ever do that to her? I would have just taken her in my arms, wipe her tears away and say that everything would be okay. But I didn't, and man I regret that. I just need to find her. I need to know if she is okay.

“Liam take the needle out.” I said and raised it in front of him.

“No mate I...” He began and putted a hand on his neck nervously.

“I said take it out.” I hissed and sat up on the bed. I screamed in pain.

“MY NECK.” I yelled and the door slung open and two nurse's ran into the room. I couldn't concentrate on anything else than my neck... and Anna. I felt like I would die, and the last thought that flew through my mind was that I had to find her before it became black.

I jumped out of the car. No this did not just happen. No-no-no-no I repeated in my head over and over again. I ran around the car to try to open the backdoor but the tree had made it impossible to get in.

“Fuck.” I hissed and ran around the car again. I ripped Sophie's door open and climbed over her to get Anna. I mumbled some weak apology to a lifeless Sophie as I got Anna out of the car. She was as lifeless as Sophie but that wasn't an option. She have to live. I sat down with her in my arms. I shock her gently at first whispering her name. No reply. As the time gone I started to shook her more violent, screaming her name. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I stopped and stoke her cheek gently. Her face was as pale and cold as a snowflake, but it was still... soft. Her hair was full of blood and glass from the window. Her blue eyes was covered with two blue eyelids and her lips as red as a rose. I leaned down and kissed her forehead for the last time.

I opened my eyes in panic. I gasped for air, as I tried to push my horrible dream away. No not dream,   nightmare. The picture of Anna's bloody lifeless body in my arms didn't want to leave. She can't be dead. Never. I don't know if I ever would survive the thought of Anna dead. No Harry don't even dare to think that.

I stood up from the bed and walked out into the corridor. My heart was pumping hard in my chest, trying to prepare for the worst. What if I will find her... dead? What if I never will find her? To never see her bright red lips or never to see her cheeks blush or the feeling I get when she touches me or the feeling of her kisses, our hugs, our fights, our jokes or-or... I cut my thought away to wipe away my tears. I never was supposed to get her this close, to wrap her small hands around my heart. Making an extra beat every time I think of her.

“Excuse me?” I poked the women with short black hair's back that looked like a doctor. She turned around and looked at me.

“D-do you know where Anna Smith's room is?” I asked her with teary eyes. I could swear that I must looked like crap right now with red teary eyes, a headrest and a hospital cape. But screw that I'm going to find Anna.

“Yeah, she's in room 569. It's around that corner to the left and I think it is the first door to the right.” She gave me a sympathetic smile and putted a hand on my shoulder.

“Push the red button if it is something.” She sighted and I nodded in answer.

I walked in silence not only without saying a word I refused to think. I wouldn't have the power to deal with my thought right now. Because I already knew what they would be about...

I closed my eyes and grabbed the handle. I held my breath as I pushed the door open and walked in. I turned around and opened my eyes and closed the door. I stood there holding the inside handle in about five minutes before I found the courage to turn around.

I gasped.

Anna was laying as still as I had seen her in my dream, but this time was her chest moving. Maybe it was because all the tubes stuck down her nose and throat. But I didn't care, all that matters is that she is alive. I smiled a little as I walked to stand beside her. She had a huge bandage around nearly her whole head. Even though she is half dead, she was still the most beautiful person I laid my eyes on.

I sat there holding her hand, cuddling into her neck and crying for hours. The sound of her heart rhythm giving me hope that she maybe will survive. After about 7 hours the doctors forced me out of her room and into mine to eat and sleep. But if they would have asked me I would rather sleep on a chair in Anna's room, but no of course they didn't agree with that.

I slept terrible that night, was awake nearly the whole night, scared of what I might see when I close my eyes but after a few hours I felt my eyelids close and I fell asleep.

I woke up by a phone vibrating on the bedside table beside me. I grunted and unlocked the phone. 16 missed calls and 40 texts - all from Jenna. I didn't give a fuck about her right now. Not dealing with her drama for once. Me and her met a a club for about a year ago and at first we were just 'fuck buddies' but after a while it started to be more. Even though it never was real love, that I thought it was at that moment... She had a reputation for being a sort of a whore and really good in bed, but my opinion is that she is okay but nothing special. We gave each other what we wanted and needed, nothing more or less.

The doctors checked on me every hour and I always asked if I could visit Anna but they always said no. Eventually I knew that something was wrong. When I got the chance I ran out of my room and through the corridor and into Anna's room.

And all that was in front of me now was an empty bed.  

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