Meeting The Winchester

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Pre-warning for the story: All warning for supernatural, plus self harm, suicidal thoughts, and suicide attempts to apply for the whole story... viewer warned... enjoy :)

We find Sam and Dean talking a ruckus about a hunt they were working. "They must be looking for a new victim" Meg whispers to me, my eyes glowing red with anger.

We walk up to them, Meg seemingly knowing the one younger brother, Sam. "Sam, oh my God. I didn't know I'd find you here." She smiles a warm smile. I shy to the side, anxious of new people, especially such clever demons. "This is my friend, Asmerelda." My code name... it wasn't my choice. My real name was Phenix Bitter Summers (legally). Though I preferred to use my adoptive parents last name Winter for non-legal name documents.

Meg explains how she wasn't able to make it to California and ended up in Chicago, meeting me. I was half zoned out of the conversation as I never really minded to chat with demons, rather kill now talk later kinda hunter.

She started bashing Dean for not respecting Sam and dragging him around the country, which confused me. 'Why would two demons agree to work multiple jobs around the country but bicker the whole time? Usually one demon would be the leader and the other the follower, no bickering, just orders.' I kept my thoughts to myself, not wanting to stir the demons away.

Sam makes some random, noticeable only by me, excuse and gets Meg's number, because of their new found friendship, agreeing to meet up with her soon. I smile, to myself, at his comment...the sooner we can hunt them the better.

I stay in the bar for a drink to calm my mind while meg leaves. That's when I pick something up, Sam is suspicious of Meg. He wants his brother and him to do research on her backstory and figure out if she's demonic. "Why would a demon care about another demon?" I whisper to myself.

I follow Sam as he follows Meg. He follows her all the way to an abandoned factory, sneaking in by climbing up the freight elevator. I teleported inside the building, knowing what was going on. She was summoning an angel for back up, she had many on her side (or so she said). She warned the entity Sam and Dean were in town, telling it to wait for us on the other end.

I teleported out of the room. Sneaking to the freight elevator, watching Sam explore the room alone. I note the strange human-like behavior he attributes and decide to track him to his hotel/motel to end my qweres.

I slam open the door, blade in hand, ready to murder this sons of demons. Dean immediately goes for a gun under his pillow and sam a large knife, confusing me. 'Usually demons use their demonic magic not weapons, but to each their own.' I charge at Dean, slamming the gun out of his hand and putting the knife to his throat. I could tell my eyes glew red in that moment by the look of panic in Sam's eyes. "Christo!" I yelled, but nothing.

I lower the knife, in a moment of lapse of judgment. It's that moment I'm knocked out from behind, clasping to the floor.

I wake up in pure confusion. "That's the first time a demon has tried to reveal me as their own."  Dean's voice chimes. 'Demon? I'm no demon!' "What do we do with them?" Sam's voice asks. I open my eyes, the world slowly unblurring. "I'm no demon!" I yell. They both turn to me with an annoyed look.

"If you're not a demon, drink this." Sam says handing me a glass of water. I smiled, with a sigh, drinking the whole thing. That's when the sore throat kicked in. "See, nothing." I rolled my eyes, annoyed. Though a tint of confusion crossed my mind, 'why did that hurt my throat, it's just holy water, maybe just plain water!' "Okay, then explain to us why try to murder me." Dean asks, confusing me. "Cause you're demons!" I yell. They both stare at me. Dean chuckles, though realizes I'm serious moments later.

"We're not demons, kid." Dean says. I stare at them in realization. 'Of course they aren't! Why would they trap me in a devil's trap and make me drink holy water if they were? Demons turn on each other all the time, but they kill, not trap.' "Then..." I pause. "Meg is..." I gasp out. "You didn't know?" Sam asks. I shake my head.

I stand up to leave, when I notice... I can't leave the trap. I stare at the trap in horror, hoping to the gods they didn't find my shoe switchblade. 'Thank the stars they didn't' I think, scratching at the inside of the trap, freeing myself. The brothers have already started to leave for Meg's at this point, so they don't see.

I follow them into the factory, none of us talking, an eerie silence around us. When we get there, Sam leads us to the elevator, and we climb up to reveal Meg preparing a ceremony of types.

I teleport over and she smiles, "Good job hybrid, you led them right into my trap." I look at the floor with a frown. 'They were supposed to kill me earlier, why are they so humane? They are too human to be demonic, let alone demons.' "I don't know if they are demo-" i start to say, but she stops me. "Take this blade, hand it to one of them if they escape... see if they try to kill you. Then you'll see." I nod, teleporting away to their hotel room.

"Phenix?" A voice calls, confusing me. "Phenix Winters?" I turn to see a man, fatherly looking as if he raised two kids... 'is this The John Winchester?' I think to myself. 'That means Sam and Dean...they aren't demons, their Sam and Dean Winchester, John's sons.' I realize. "Long way from home, what brings you here? Hunting with my Sam and Dean?" He asks. I fake a smile, nodding. "Yeah, a demon of sorts." I explain. "I came here to wait for them after researching some more." I lie.

Half an hour later, Dean opens the door, both him and Sam walking in. They realize the sight before them, Their dad and me waiting for them. "Dad?" Sam speaks the first word. He smiles at the boys, making me frown, turning my back to the window.

'I can't teleport away, they'll think I'm demonic.' I sigh. 'I wish my birth family would've loved me like John to his sons.' I shed a tear, my eyes glowing a blue hue new to even me.

I leave the room, silently, as the brothers and their father talk, not wanting to interrupt. I return to Meg and my apartment, gathering all my belongings. I swiftly pack my bags, immediately teleporting to my car. 'I need to get out of town.' I think to myself. Though before I knew what was happening, I was knocked out.

I open my eyes, in a room with an angelic touch. "We finally found you." A voice echoes, making me shutter. Pain washes over my body, scaring me to the brick full of panic.


Since my last mentor turned out demonic, I couldn't face my parents this way. Let alone without solving this new problem of mine. So I decided to follow the Winchester brothers instead while continuing my studies online. I was taking a criminology major with an art minor. Though, I was more forced on my glowing eyes, powers, and new found weaknesses.

After a few months, I gave up my research, the brothers fighting cases different from my family and arguing getting to me. Well that was until I met a hunter named Gordon.

I was hunting a vang nest at the time, when I discovered a human hunting the same. He introduced himself as Gordon Walker, which I introduced myself as Phenix Summers, not wishing my history to ruin my hunt. He explained what he founded and I explained my own. He even emitted he usually worked alone, but my research alone could help him. So we agreed to work together for this one nest of vang, agreeing to part ways after.

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