Secret Werewolf

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I sit on my bed, hugging my knees. "This is stupid." I whine. "What? Your wings trashing our motel or being stuck here babysitting a demon hybrid?" Dean asks, sarcastically. I roll my eyes, unfolding my wings. I jump off the bed and walk over to the kitchen, sitting down. "Ugh!" I groan. "I can't even cook food with my wings making a mess everywhere I walk." I complain.

Sam walks in making Dean almost leap for joy. Dean is cleaning his guns as I re-dip my blades in holy water. "Sam!" I exclaim, happily. My wings unfold to show my excitement. I sigh, my excitement destroyed, sitting back on the bed.

"This lawyer guy the first heart-free corpse in town?" Dean asks. Sam nods, "First man. Over the past year, several women have gone missing. Dead bodies all washed up later in the bay, too deteriorated to draw firm conclusions." Sam explains. I nod, "No hearts?" I inquire. He shakes his head, "No hearts. They were hookers working Hunter's Point. Now, cops are trying to keep things under wrap, but they're looking for a serial killer." Sam continues.

"And the lunar cycle?" Dean questions. "Mm-hmm. Yeah, month after month, all the murders happen in the week leading up to the full moon." Sam confirms. "Which is this week, right?" Dean seems more interested then when Sam first arrived. "Hence the lawyer?" Sam nods.

"Awesome!" Dean smiles. "Dean, could you be a bigger geek about this?" Sam asks, annoyed. "I'm sorry, man, but what about "a human by day, a freak animal killing machine by moonlight" don't you understand? I mean, werewolves are badass. We haven't seen one since we were kids." I roll my eyes. 'I'd truly never seen a werewolf since before I went off to sea. Though, it wasn't like it was a unicorn or angel. "Okay, Sparky. And you know what? After we kill it, we can go to Disneyland." I groan, "But Disneyland is full of spirits, animal and human alike." I frown, jokingly.

"You know what the best part about it is? We already know how to bring these suckers down." He holds up a silver bullet. "One of these bad boys right to the heart. So, what's our next move?" Dean inquires. "Talk to the girl who found the body." I sigh, knowing that means I'll be left here, alone.

"This is stupid." I groan, looking at the bathroom mirror. "How am I supposed to help like this?" I turn towards the shower, turning on the hot water. I lean one wing into the shower, rising it off, then the other. I hadn't been able to wash my wings for years, not to say they were unclean as they never seemed to smell like much of anything. Though, it felt nice to get the crusty blood off the feathers.

Suddenly, there's a gunshot. I immediately teleport towards the sound, finding Sam, Dean, and a mauled policeman. "I'll call 911." Sam states. I nod, checking the man's pulse. Dean bends down examining the man. "I'd say Kurt's looking more and more like our Cujo." I look towards Dean, "Kurt?" I question. "Dean, if he's out here, we better check on Madison." My wings fall to rest, dripping water onto the floor.

"I guess, I'll head back to the..." I pause, feeling lighter than before. I try to pick my wings up, but nothing happens. "I guess I'll go with you two." I smile.

We knock on Madison's apartment front door. Across the hall, her neighbor opens his door to see our commotion. "What's going on?" He asks. "Police business, Glen" Dean repounses and Madison opens the door. "What is it?" Madison asks. Sam glances at Glen, "Well, maybe we should talk privately." Sam remarks.

Madison pours Sam and Dean some coffee. We sat on her couch, waiting for her to join us. "Has Kurt been here?" Sam asks. "Not exactly." Madison answers. "What exactly does "not exactly" mean?" Dean questions. "Well, he was outside last night. Just...looking. Just looking at me." We, three, exchange a look.

"Has he done something?" Madison asks. "We're not really sure." Sam explains. "It's probably nothing, but... we just don't wanna take any chances. In fact, one of us should probably stay here with you? Just in case he stops by. Where does he work?" Dean asks. "He owns a body shop." She responds. "You mind grabbing that address for us?" I ask. She nods and leaves the room. "Thanks." Dean, thanks.

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