chapter 7

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As I enter the quad I hear "It's good to see you fitting in. Just like your mother" 'Oh poor Weny' I think to myself as I listen 'Oh and there is that response' I think as I hear Wednesdays replay ' What happened to her she used to have this real smile, this joy of life, but what changed?'

"Seriously Wen when you said you had something fun in mind I thought you will help me with inspiration for my new book not that we are going to break into a secret library" " Come on Isa it's not like you aren't having fun" "huh yeah" as I snoop around I find it "Wednesday I believe I found it" " Great job let's take it "ah!"
'As the bag suddenly was placed over my head, a whirlwind of thoughts rushed through my mind. Stirring up memories I would rather have forgotten. My mind raced back to that traumatic incident from years ago when I lost everything. That's when I truly understood the fear, the helplessness, and the lingering trauma had never completely faded away. Deep down, I guess I knew the truth that I could never forget that' and then it all ended as the bag was lifted. 'Bianca well of course' As we get up and leave we part our ways, I can't take it anymore as I reach my dorm and compose on the floor crying 'Oh good' I don't know when I started screaming or crying, but as she lifted me in her arms I felt so safe.

Larisa's: POV

As I was working on some documents for the upcoming outreach day I heard the most heartbreaking scream ever as I rushed out of my office. As I looked around I realized it was coming from Sarah's Frumps room as I run in what I saw shocked me. The poor girl was laying on the floor sobbing I didn't know what to do then something unexpected happened it was like I couldn't control myself I picked her up in my arms and hugged her and whispered that everything will be fine. The poor girl cling to me for dear life, and what she said sent shivers down my spine "She's always watching me, I will never escape, she will find me" 'Who's watching? who will find her? who has scared this unfortunate soul so much? As the thoughts were swirling in my mind I realized she had fallen asleep. I picked her up and put her under her covers. As I looked around I realized this was my first time in her room it was too different from what you would expect from a Frump, it was colorful, expensive, and glamorous it was like she had lived there for ages but what caught my eye the most was all Luis as Flores books neatly put in transparent like a closet all limited editions and signed. Where could a girl like her get so much money I know her family is rich but still who is this girl?

As I enter my office I can't think straight all I can think of is that broken girl dining in my arms why did I do it why did I feel the need to protect her to keep her safe and around me she's Morticias nerve for fuck sake she's a Frump, but those eyes that smile it diamonds me so much of my sweet little dive, my little Isabell. From who is she so afraid? As I go to my desk and pick up Isabell's photo I can't help but ask " Where are you my angel?... Mommy misses you. Are you happy have you eaten? Do you have someone to hug you?" as I hear myself can't help it but cry

Sarah's: POV

"When did I fall asleep and who took me to bed," I ask myself and then realize 'Someone was her I don't know who but they saw, oh good I told them that Diane is watching shit!' who could have it has been.
I look at the clock and it's 5:00 a.m. I take a huge breath and say to myself if I'm up I could write a new chapter to my book.

As I push the "public" button I somehow felt relieved like something is lifted from my shoulders and can't help but wonder did anyone ever found the note hidden in Nightshade Library's walls

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As I push the "public" button I somehow felt relieved like something is lifted from my shoulders and can't help but wonder did anyone ever found the note hidden in Nightshade Library's walls.

"All students will report for their volunteer jobs at 10:00 a.m sharp, followed by a community lunch at 1:00. As you know, this year Outreach Day culminates in a very special event, the dedication of a new memorial statue in the town square, which will also include performances by Nevermires students... As representatives of our school, I trust you all put your best face forward." " What the hell was that bulshit?" I ask Wednesday " I don't know, but I read your new update. when we're you going to tell me Weems was your mother?" I freeze of course if someone will figure it out it will be her "Wen-"Before I can finish our volunteer jobs are given to us and Enid runs to us super excited " Yes! I got Pilgrim World. I have natural people skills and a love of performing, so it's kind of the obvi choice... What did you two get?" Wednesday replies "Uriah'd Heap" Whatever that is." my eyes widen as I see mine "Apparently I am today Principal Weems's assistant" Enid continues " Ew. It's this weird, creepy antique store. You love it though. But for you Sarah it's strange Weems rarely takes the assistant good luck with that." I sent Wednesday telepathically 'You don't think Weems knows' 'If you only recently received your memories, and are under this appearance then I don't think so as Enid leaves Weems shows up " Girls, don't worry about your musical instruments. I'll have them brought to the town square this afternoon." we say in the same time " Our music instruments?" " I caught your rooftop serenade the other night, Impressive" Why the hell does it sound so fake and so surprised does she think so Low about me or Wednesday? Then she continues "I volunteered you two to accompany the Jericho High School marching band at the ceremony. I'm sure it ain't be too challenging to play an uplifting Fleetwood Mac melody." ' Gee, the women hate you' Wednesday turns to me and says about loud "A shut it I'm still angry at you" I gulp and lower my head as I feel Weems looking at me with questionable eyes, and Wednesday turns to her and keeps talking " Miss. Trump you can come to drive with me after all we will spend this day together" I gulp and say "yes Miss. Weems"

" Was this why you were crying yesterday because you got into a fight with Wednesday?" I widen my eyes as I turn around and she just keeps driving like nothing happened "It was you in my room you were the one who helped me?" "Yes, now can you tell me what happened?" " I- I can't I'm so sorry, but you should know I'm very grateful I haven't been so bad for quite some time.

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