Chapter 3

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All night, all Jacqueline could think about was starting her new job. Sleep didn't happen, well, maybe for an hour. The day would definitely call for coffee and a lot of it. It was her first day, she wasn't exactly nervous about the job itself, but more nervous in general. She viewed her job as an easy one, but it was anything but that. She knew that, but it brought her peace.

Jacqueline stepped out of her car, shutting the door behind her and started inside. She could see everyone looking at her. It was in the paper by now, least in New York. Word had probably already gotten out in town too.

Just no publicity, she didn't need it. She just wanted to do her job. That was seriously all she really wanted. Luckily, Randolph had taken her on a tour of everything so she could get in and get where she needed to be relatively fast. As she walked through the doors to Chastain, she was greeted by a few nurses and doctors, shaking hands and telling her how happy they are to have her.

She figured word would get out around the hospital, she was that well talked about. All she could do was smile and say thank you, that she was looking forward to working with them and whatever else she could think of.

However, there was one familiar face as she went to get changed. He was waiting by the nurses station, it looked like he was waiting for her, but she could be wrong.

"Doctor Black," Randolph quickly got to her side. "Seems word has gotten out that you'll be working here."

Jacqueline nodded, "I noticed. Everyone wanted to shake my hand and say welcome, more than usual anyways." She continued to walk. "I'm going to change clothes..."

Randolph nodded, "I have a few things to show you so I'll wait here."

Jacqueline slowly nodded before entering the room where she could set her stuff and change. It seemed like she would be at Randolph's side and vice versa more than she had thought. She admired his passion and hands on approach, but this was maybe too hands on for her? Jacqueline shook her head as she changed out of her clothes and into her scrubs and tied her hair into a pony tail.

"And so begins a new chapter," Jacqueline murmured and placed her pager on her pants. She exited the room, going back towards the nurses station where she had left Randolph. He was still waiting for her, but she smiled. "So, Doctor Bell, what do you have to show me?" She asked.

"Follow me."

The two walked alongside one another through the halls of the hospital. Both were silent, but as they got farther into hospital, Randolph stopped in front of a door. It was a patients door. "For the first few days, I'll be monitoring you to make sure you adjust to the way we do things. We have a schedule lined up for you. Are you ready?"

Jacqueline chuckled, "I've honestly been waiting for this all day."


Still amazing bed side manner. She was the perfect doctor, but she seemed to be nervous around those that didn't work for the hospital and those that weren't patients. When lunch time came, Randolph still stuck by her side. It wasn't that he needed to, but it was an excuse to not deal with the tremors, to not have another death on his hands.

"I appreciate the help, Doctor Bell. I think I can handle everything from here," Jacqueline smiled as she took a seat to eat and he sat across from her.

"I have no doubt, you're on your own after lunch. But if you need anything, my office isn't far." He smiled at her and leaned back. They had never talked about each others families, but they had just met. It was still probably the best time to ask. "Aside from your brother, do you have any other family?" He asked.

Jacqueline smiled, "trying to get to know me better?"

Randolph chuckled, "well, we are colleagues. I know enough about everyone who works here, just not you and everything I read mentions no family."

Jacqueline chuckled, "I like it that way. However, aside from my brother, I have two kids. They're twins. Eighteen, just starting college."

Twins? And she was a doctor? Seemed like she had her hands full from a young age, especially while going to medical school.

"How did you manage twins with being a doctor?" Randolph raised a brow. "Was their father... did he help you?" No articles he had read mentioned she was married, nor did she even wear a ring.

Jacqueline coughed some, swallowing the food she was eating. "No, it was just myself and them. Their mother is my sister, my sister was arrested and I adopted them. Same with her... their father." She cleared her throat and leaned back. "I raised them with the help of my brother, their uncle. Believe me, long hours, exhausting nights, but here I am. Now, how about you? Married?"

Randolph smiled. She was different, working as a doctor and raising two kids. However, he was just getting divorced from his second marriage. It was only fair that she ask personal questions since he did, but he could always lie. "Divorced, in the middle of it right now."

She nodded, taking a drink of her coffee. "I guess I can be glad I've never been married. No divorce, no problems and no one my brother has to worry about." She chuckled some, but it was true. "Well, I wish you luck with your divorce. I can definitely be glad I have never been there." She smiled, drinking more of her coffee.

Randolph nodded, "I wish I hadn't been married either. Would've saved me a lot of money on the divorce." He chuckled as did Jacqueline.

"And I have two kids, yet I imagine you spent more on a divorce than I did when my children. I love my kids, but raising them to not be like my sister was a challenge." Jacqueline took another drink of her coffee. Thinking about her sister made her sick to her stomach.

Randolph watched her expression change. His divorces weren't easy on him, but the look on her face, he couldn't imagine the hell she went through with her own family. "I won't ask about that, but it seems we need to get back to work."

Nodding, Jacqueline stood up. "Perfect timing."

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