Chapter Two

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Ivy Carson wondered whether she would die for the tenth time that night.  Adrenaline coursed through her veins, and was the only thing that kept her running, rather than collapsing from exhaustion.  Her whole body, which was drenched in cold sweat, shook from fatigue and dehydration.  Her vision kept blurring, her eyes crossing, and itw as all she could do just to see straight and continue running.  How had they not caught her yet?  She could still hear them behind her, chasing after her, trying to get her to give up.  At this rate, she was pretty sure they would succeed.  Yet she still had to try.

Three were following her: A female shape-shifter; Another female, who could bend and stretch her limbs in all imaginable directions; The third was a boy close to my age, sixteen, who could manipulate the earth.  He had really tried something only once, but had little-to-no confidence in himself, so he just helped the other try to catch her.  He'd made the mistake of getting close to her, and when he was so close that she could've touched him, the shape-shifter spoke from the shadows with a voice that sounded like multiple people talking at the same time, "Don't let her touch you, fool!  She'll take your power and use it against you!"

As the shape-shifter said this, the thought that crossed Ivy's mind was, "I was just gonna shove him in the hold he made for me, but your idea's better."

As a mutant, Ivy's gift was adaption: She could touch someone and take their gift, so then both people had the gift.  And Ivy could take multiple gifts, until she had collected all the gifts that existed.  Because of this, she called herself "Infinity."

Where could she possibly go?  They could find her almost anywhere she went.  How could she escape?  She knew that they wanted her so that they could use her powers.  I'll die before that happens.

As she ran she looked back, trying to see where her pursuers were, and ran straight into a tree.  Sorry, not a tree.  Well, the "tree" looked like a teenage boy.... a really BUFF teenage boy.... made out of..... metal? What?

Before she truly had time to think about hting mind-boggling discovery, Buff Metal Dude had picked her up like she weighed absolutely nothing and threw her out of the way just as the flexible girl tried to shoot her.  The bullets (which actually appeared to be darts from a stun gun) bounced harmlessly off Buff Metal Dude's bare metallic chest.

Three more figures melted out of the shadows: two males and a female.  They all wore matching leather outfits with a large X imprinted across the chest that Ivy found hilarious.  

The shorter and slighter of the two men had on a pair of glasses that wrapped around the front of his face and ended on either ear.  he brought his right hand to the right side of his goggles, and the lenses began to glow red.  Red lasers shot out of the lenses, hitting the ground inces away from where the shape-shifter was standing.

The second man was about the same age as Laser-eyes, the woman they were with, and the flexible lady: early-to-mid thirties.  His hair and his hungry, violent expression reminded Ivy of a wild animal- a wolf, maybe.  Suddenly long, metal blades broke the skin in between his knuckles on either tightly-clenched fist.  He gave a ferocious yell and charged Ivy's chasers.  The shape-shifter smiles evilly and stepped up, like she wanted to fight him.

The last one, the female, was by far the most normal-looking of the thirty-year-olds, even with her long, silvery-white hair that so nicely contrasted her smooth, cocoa skin.  She stood still for a moment, and her large brown eyes clouded over with white as she stared intently into the night sky.  Immediately the sky filled with clouds, lightning flashed intensely, and thunder roared and boomed for miles.  One bolt of lightning struck the foot of the earth-manipulater; he shrieked rather unattractively and ran away, making a noise that sounded suspiciously similar to the wimper of a tiny wounded dog.

Ivy suspected that the other two pursuers had finally had enough, because they eventually melted into the shadows and disappeared.

Buff Metal Dude, who was now human and had been standing guard over Ivy as she lay on the ground and watched the scene unfold, offered her a hand.  She stared at it for a moment, and saw the others moving towards her.

Unable to help herself, she screamed.

Everyone jumped back slightly in suprise.

"Sorry, delayed reaction." Ivy said sheepishly.

The woman turned to Wild Animal Man and said softly, "Logan you're scaring her with your claws."

Logan glanced down at his hands like he was just now remembering the blades that sprouted from his hands. "Oh, Right." The blades retracted into the spaces between his knuckles, and he unclenched his fists.

Ivy looked around at all of them.

"It's all right, Ivy," the white-haired woman said in a gentle voice. "You're safe now."

Ivy narrowed her eyes, but felt nothing but fear. "Ho-How do you know my name?" She said in a small, trembling voice.

"We know a lot more than you think." Logan said roughly.

'And we're not the only ones." Laser-eyes added grimly. "There are other who know about you, too."

Ivy turned and looked at him. "No, duh!" The sarcasm wasn't as strong as she would've liked, but she wouldn't think about that now.

"Ivy, we want to help you." The woman said gently.

"I want an explanation first." Ivy said as stubbornly as she could.

The woman nodded. "Absolutely. But not here."

"But I thought you said that I was safe now."

The woman pressed her lips together. "I did. But they could be back." She turned to the others. "We need to take her to the mansion."

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