11 - Thomas

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"Thank you all for being here." My father's lawyer and old friend, Larry said to us. 

We were currently in a more private room, several couches laid out and a desk with Larry at the front. 

I was on one side while my mother, John and Henry were on the other. No sign of my sister, even though I sent a letter to her current address (if that even was her current one) two weeks ago, telling her of the will reading. No reply. But she's never replied to any of my letters.

"It's no problem." John said. "I think that we are all just nervous to hear what it says." Like this had anything to do with fucking John.

My mother and Henry were exchanging eager glances. As the oldest, Henry was expected to inherit the family business. That was all he ever cared about. The only thing that motivated him to be sober which was why, despite the wine he downed at dinner, he appeared somewhat presentable. 

My cousins and other family friends were outside the door, waiting for the news and no doubt the press were outside the building, awaiting our exits. 

"Right, I shall proceed." Larry glanced my way, obviously noting my bloodied knuckles that I had yet to clean up and the fact I was on a separate couch to my family.

I wanted this whole thing to be over quickly so then I could leave and go and check on Valerie. 

My mother smiled at Henry again.

Larry cleared his throat and then began, "I, Charles Verner, of being in sound state and mind, declare the distribution of my assets as thus. My family homes, shall go to my wife, Julie Verner." John smiled. "My wealth shall be distributed equally between my three children, Henry Verner, Rose Verner and Thomas Verner." Larry took a breath and looked up from reading the will. 

"We calculated, Charles' wealth that doesn't include his assets as you probably know and it came to 762 million US dollars which distributed equally between the children comes to 254 million each. Provided that we can locate Rose." I looked at my hands.

"I'll take her share." John joked and a small laugh sounded in the room except we all know that a part of him was being serious. I didn't laugh. 

"Now, onto the part I'm sure you have all been waiting for." Larry gave a pointed look in Henry's direction and Henry smiled back. 

Larry was about to read again when he looked back to the paper and frowned. My brother immediately sat forward.

"What? What is it?" Henry asked. 

"I'm sure it's nothing." My mother reassured him.

"Well it's... definitely something." Larry said, cocking his head to the side in thought.

"Just fucking read it!" Henry said, impatient already. 

Larry just stared back at him and began again, "My Hotel Empire, Verner Hotels shall be given to one of my children solely, Thomas Verner."

The room went deathly silent. Four pairs of eyes turned my way in unison.

"Fucking pardon?" My brother said.

"I think you heard." Larry replied. 

"Just fucking read it again." Henry said and Larry complied. "Give me that!" Henry said, snatching the paper out of Larry's hands. He read over it maybe three times before turning back to Larry, not even looking at me. 

This was when it finally hit me. I had inherited a multi-billion dollar business. My father had given it to me. The youngest. The one that wanted it least. I loved my sister but even I knew how badly she wanted it but it was always decided and basically assumed that Henry would get it with him being the oldest.

"Did you know about this?" My mother asked me. Was she fucking serious?

"No. I didn't." I replied coolly, trying to not show how unnerved I was.

"You don't seem that fucking shocked!" Henry exploded on me.

I just shrugged which only seemed to make him angrier which widened my smirk into a full on smile. 

As I looked at him, his face turning red from a mixture of alcohol, shock, anger and embarrassment, I was starting to understand my father's reasoning. But me? I hadn't shown any interest in the company ever.

Henry voiced these thoughts, "He has never cared about the company!"

"Honey, we'll fix this." My mother said, forever protecting her favourite. 

"I'm afraid there is no way to appeal this. His will is final." Larry said, looking like he had seen this scene 1000 different times. 

"I need to call my fucking lawyers. This is such bullshit." Henry fumed. 

"Thanks for your faith in me, guys." I said, getting up to leave.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?!" John said, standing up with me.

"Away from here." I said, making my way to the door. 

"Yes, well on that note, I need to head home too. This has only been a short will reading after all." Larry said. 

"You're not going anywhere until you fix this." My brother said to Larry, stomping his foot like a toddler.

"As I said before, your father's will is final. There is nothing I can do." Larry sighed. 

"There is something we can do. There has to be!" My mother said. I looked at her, a part of me withering at the lack of support my family has for me. 

"The only thing to be done is if the owner of the company with 51% of the shares, which is Thomas, willingly hands over the company."

Before these people that I called my family could pounce on me, I took it as my opportunity to get the fuck out of there. 

As soon as I stepped out of the room, several pairs of expectant eyes stared up at me, waiting for me to reveal the verdict. I was pleased to see that Tyler wasn't there. 

Instead of giving them what they wanted, I walked straight past them, ignoring the several "Thomas!"s that I received in my wake.

As soon as I heard the elevator doors ding shut, I finally let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding. 

Me. I was the owner of Verner Hotels. I owned 51% to be exact. I also had $254 million in my bank account effective immediately. 

What the fuck did this mean? Would I have to drop out of college to run the company? What was I going to do with the money? How was I going to deal with my family? My sister?

I left the building as soon as I could, not glancing back or waiting to look and see what awaited me outside.

As soon as I stepped out, a million different flashing lights blinded my eyes and several voices called my name.


"Mr. Verner?"

"Is it true that your brother will be taking over the company?"

I ignored all of it of course and pushed and shoved my way to my car. 

Once I was safely inside, I made sure to lock all of my doors and windows and then proceeded to google estate agents near me.

No way was I staying in that fucking house any longer.


Just a short chapter but I'm uploading two today :)

Word count: 1185

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