13 - Val

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"Now, there is an upcoming test in three months that I am sure you are all well aware of." Professor Twine was saying.

I shrunk down in my seat a little. Tests were not good for my anxiety. 

"This test, while only in the beginning of the year, will count towards 10% of your degree so I suggest that you do not take this lightly." Twine gave a pointed look in Thomas and I's direction. Shit, maybe I had done worse on our last essay than I thought.

I looked over to Thomas but he was too busy glowering in Twine's direction. 

"Now, before I let you all go, I will hand you back your last essays that we completed on 1984 by George Orwell. If you have gotten below a B- I would seriously suggest either studying harder or acquiring a tutor. Tutors can be found in the main office." He smiled and handed the sheets to the TA.

I let out a breath. What did that look that Twine sent me mean? Had I done badly? Would I fail? Would I need a tutor - I can't afford a tutor. Was moving to New York a mistake?!

While I was spiralling, Thomas seemed to not be faring particularly well either. He was drumming his fingers on the armrest and looked like he was about to bolt.

A sheet of paper was thrust into my lap and then another one in Thomas'. 

I tentatively picked up the paper, glimpsing at my mark. A-. I let out a sigh of relief. Of course, considering I spent hours of studying, I deserved this.

I peeked at Thomas and he sighed before saying, "You can just ask, you know."

"Uh- what?" I said, turning to him.

"My score. You're not very subtle."

"I what- I was not-"

"I mean, you're sitting next to me which makes trying to be discreet very tricky."

I started apologising before I realised that he was smiling. He was making fun of me.

"Oh, fuck off." He let out a laugh at that and several people turned our way. Thomas seemed to smile and laugh a lot around me and I started to notice that other people were taking notice of it too. 

"I got an impressive D+." He said, shrugging. I winced for him.

"Did you study?" I offered.

"No." He said.

"Well, I'm sure if you studied next time, you could do better." I said truthfully.

"How do you always do so well?" He asked me.

"How do you know I do well?" I countered.

"You're not the only one that looks at other people's results." He said playfully and I found myself smiling a little in return. I quickly stifled it.

"I have an idea." He started to say as I began packing up. While I used to pack up as quickly as possible, I now found myself putting things back into my bag at a leisurely pace.

"Oh no." I said, teasing. Was I actually fucking teasing Thomas Verner right now? 

"You could tutor me." He said. I let out a laugh because how was I supposed to react to that? 

"I'm alright, thanks." I said, still smiling.

"Why won't you?" He asked. I hesitated. Really it was because I didn't want to spend time alone with Thomas but I was currently convincing myself that I did not have time. 

"There are plenty of proper tutors that you can choose from as Professor Twine pointed out, you can choose one of them." I reasoned.

"Yeah, but I want you." He said and I looked at him, eyes wide. "To tutor me." He finished. I looked back to my bag.

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