"Now, there is an upcoming test in three months that I am sure you are all well aware of." Professor Twine was saying.
I shrunk down in my seat a little. Tests were not good for my anxiety.
"This test, while only in the beginning of the year, will count towards 10% of your degree so I suggest that you do not take this lightly." Twine gave a pointed look in Thomas and I's direction. Shit, maybe I had done worse on our last essay than I thought.
I looked over to Thomas but he was too busy glowering in Twine's direction.
"Now, before I let you all go, I will hand you back your last essays that we completed on 1984 by George Orwell. If you have gotten below a B- I would seriously suggest either studying harder or acquiring a tutor. Tutors can be found in the main office." He smiled and handed the sheets to the TA.
I let out a breath. What did that look that Twine sent me mean? Had I done badly? Would I fail? Would I need a tutor - I can't afford a tutor. Was moving to New York a mistake?!
While I was spiralling, Thomas seemed to not be faring particularly well either. He was drumming his fingers on the armrest and looked like he was about to bolt.
A sheet of paper was thrust into my lap and then another one in Thomas'.
I tentatively picked up the paper, glimpsing at my mark. A-. I let out a sigh of relief. Of course, considering I spent hours of studying, I deserved this.
I peeked at Thomas and he sighed before saying, "You can just ask, you know."
"Uh- what?" I said, turning to him.
"My score. You're not very subtle."
"I what- I was not-"
"I mean, you're sitting next to me which makes trying to be discreet very tricky."
I started apologising before I realised that he was smiling. He was making fun of me.
"Oh, fuck off." He let out a laugh at that and several people turned our way. Thomas seemed to smile and laugh a lot around me and I started to notice that other people were taking notice of it too.
"I got an impressive D+." He said, shrugging. I winced for him.
"Did you study?" I offered.
"No." He said.
"Well, I'm sure if you studied next time, you could do better." I said truthfully.
"How do you always do so well?" He asked me.
"How do you know I do well?" I countered.
"You're not the only one that looks at other people's results." He said playfully and I found myself smiling a little in return. I quickly stifled it.
"I have an idea." He started to say as I began packing up. While I used to pack up as quickly as possible, I now found myself putting things back into my bag at a leisurely pace.
"Oh no." I said, teasing. Was I actually fucking teasing Thomas Verner right now?
"You could tutor me." He said. I let out a laugh because how was I supposed to react to that?
"I'm alright, thanks." I said, still smiling.
"Why won't you?" He asked. I hesitated. Really it was because I didn't want to spend time alone with Thomas but I was currently convincing myself that I did not have time.
"There are plenty of proper tutors that you can choose from as Professor Twine pointed out, you can choose one of them." I reasoned.
"Yeah, but I want you." He said and I looked at him, eyes wide. "To tutor me." He finished. I looked back to my bag.

RomanceIt's Valerie's first year of Uni. She didn't even think she'd make it this far considering everything that has happened to her over the years. Luckily, she has her best friend, Mable to brave it all with. She feels lucky to even be here but what hap...