Chapter 7 - "Ponder"

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A/N: I'm back lol- I'd just like to say real quick before the chapter starts to check the Introduction for the latest updates and the description for possible warnings! ^^


Liam's feet pattered softly against the concrete floor, Atom resting against his handle. Atom had asked if he could go see Airy, and Liam had to carry him since he didn't know his way around.

"So... what's he like?"

"Uhm.. he's.." Liam struggled, unsure what words there are to use.

"Well, he's.. deadpan."

"What does that mean?"

"...he.. uh, he's close to emotionless. He doesn't feel bad for his actions and he just doesn't feel much emotion in general."

"Oh, ok."

They were silent once again. It was surprising, the area was relatively large, so it was easy to get lost. Soon enough, Liam paused in front of a door, slowly unlocking and opening it. Inside was Airy, staring at Liam. His expression was unreadable, but it was very easy to tell he wasn't too happy about seeing him, which was understandable.

"...hey." Airy (obviously) said nothing, still just staring at Liam. Atom didn't exactly know what to say, since he didn't see how badly Airy had been injured in the camera.

"Atom.. and the other.. contestants-" Liam hated using that word for them, but it was the only thing he could think of at the time."-.. are here. Atom wanted to talk to you, I guess.."

"Hey." Airy flinched, a bit surprised. Wait, actually, a lot surprised. He eventually noticed the miniscule speck on Backpack and made a small wave. Liam closed the door behind him and sat down next to Airy on the floor.

"...what happened to you?"

Airy stared at him for a second.

"Well- uh.. Gray. Gray did it to him."


Airy and Liam stared at each other for a second.

"Can you talk?"

"No." Liam answered.

"Oh. Why?"

"Gray shattered his face."


Liam turned his attention to the camera in the room, staring at it for a second.

"Why'd he start ONE anyway?"

More silence filled the room.

"Uh.. I.. don't know." Liam muttered, glaring at Airy. Airy looked away from him.

"Oh. Ok."

Even more awkward silence fills the room as Atom thought of more stuff to ask. This was going to a take a while.


Gray walked down the hall, humming to the melody of Wagon Wheel as he walked, spinning the knife he held playfully. As he neared his destination, he felt an odd sense of deja vu run through him. He didn't know why, and he didn't stop to think about why. He continued on, stopping in front of a door. He opened it, luckily locating the "storage" room. He was raised in this place, after all. Well, kinda. Anyways, he put the knife in a drawer, turned around and walked to the shelf in the room.

He looked through all the boxes, the very last one having items he needed. The same bracelets he had previously put on Liam, several of them. He took a second to remember how many he now has done here, failing miserably and defeatedly grabbing the whole box. He had learned from his siblings that these were trackers, and could only be taken off with a key. He groaned softly as he struggled to lift the box it being heavier than he initially anticipated.

"God.. this is heavy.." Gray sighed, setting it down. He resorted to dragging the box, grunting just about every 5 seconds. He took the box down the hallway, his legs quivering from the weight of the box. After about 20 or 30 minutes, he gets back to his office, letting go of the box. He looked at the camera with the new objects in it, counting to himself. He caught a glance of Airy's room, which he rolled his eyes and just decided to brush it off for now. He picked up 7 of the bracelets, going back out the door and down the hall. He continued to hum, looking at the bracelets.

He originally never had a use for them. He didn't want a use for them. He used to be caring to others. He used to be kind. And sweet. And he was friendly too. And afraid of violence. But here he was, capturing and trapping objects that don't even belong in his universe. Objects who probably didn't even know any better. Objects who expected less. But now they're stuck. He stopped for a second, wondering how he became like this. How he craved to see objects in pain. How he adored the looks of fear. How he became a monster.

Gray quickly shook his head and started towards the room again. No amount of regret, pity, or even memories will make him stop. Once he got to the room, he paused. He saw how they had broken down the shed door. He should get something to defend himself with in case they attack, considering he had no idea if they were aggressive or not. He began walking back to the storage closet, listening to his soft steps. He hadn't originally planned he'd do this. He never planned any of this. He just.. got the idea when he discovered Liam and Airy. He didn't think he'd have.. eight extra objects in his home? Well, home wouldn't be the right word. More like.. shelter. Yea, he had extra objects in his shelter. He arrived at the room, beginning to search once again. He paused, noticing the toolshelf against the wall. He grabbed a hammer, shrugging. It wasn't the best, but he didn't want to kill them yet. He could make a mistake with the knife, which he wasn't in the best position to do. He wanted them to fear him. Even if it means immobilization. Or worse. But not death. He took a small review of the room, trying to see if there was anything better. He didn't succeed, sighing as he began back to the room.


"Y'know, maybe we should get going." Liam muttered, not wanting Gray to stumble upon them and lock him in the room with Airy.

"Oh, ok. Why don't you just escape? This place seems huge, there doesn't seem like that Gray guy would find us."

"He has cameras pretty much scattered all over the place. And I've tried-- both of us, actually, but we failed." Airy made a small glare to Liam as he stood.

"Oh. Well bye Airy." Atom said as the two left the room. Airy waved again as the door shut and locked, leaving Airy alone once again. He curled up slightly, brushing his hand against where his elbow used to be, since Liam cut just above it. The all-too-familiar shadows returned, which now seems impossible to determine who or what it's trying to become. It didn't speak this time, sitting down next to Airy, seemingly only there to serve as company. He didn't complain though. Company is nice, especially when it feels like you've been alone your whole life.

He and the shadow just sat there, the deafening silence consuming him. The shadow had seemed to be trying to take the shape of multiple objects at one time. Airy just stared at the figure, confused. It made a soft buzzing sound, like it was.. malfunctioning, or something of the like. He just stayed where he was, staring at the figure, not moving. Eventually, the figure disappeared once more, leaving Airy alone and perplexed.

Meanwhile, Liam and Atom were making their way back to the office. They were silent, and they didn't plan on making a sound. Though, sometimes the silence can be.. a bit unsettling. It was almost as if someone, or something, was watching them.

"Liam?" Atom spoke, making Liam flinch.


"What's that?"

"What's..?" Liam turned around, freezing in shock. Just a few feet away, stood a figure. A shadow, more appropriately. It was in the shape of himself. Watching them. Watching him. The only feature that could be noticed is its small, white eyes.

-1343 words

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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