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Heyyaa guyssss😃😃

I hope you all are doing well☺️

I know I know, I am updating after many days that's why I wrote this chapter a little longer for you people 😏😏

Since, I have written this chapter longer I am expecting a pretty good response from you all (votes, comments and followers) otherwise next chapter won't be updated with 3k words, it will be only with 1k words😈

For your info peeps, next chapter is half ready😈

A LITTLE SPOILER😈: Next part is pretty exciting and romantic😁

For now, scroll down and read this chapter and make sure to leave your comments and votes here🌟💜

Inline comments are appreciated.



The first night after mom dad left to their home.

I was again in my room, laying on bed staring ceiling for almost an hour and Preeta in her room, sleeping.

I can't sleep!!!!!!

Just one time I repeat JUST ONE TIME I slept hugging her and I can't sleep without hugging her.

You see this?

My heart just want to be close to her.

My heart want to sleep beside her.

I love her, seriously!

I want a confession from her too but that's only possible when I show my love, my care  more openly to her.

There's always a need of first step and here I will take a first step.

I stood from my bed and silently went to her room.

She half closes her room door.

I peeped in and she was sleeping.

If I just go in and sleep beside her, putting my arm around her, she won't notice, right? Or would she? She won't cuz she's a heavy sleeper.

I went inside, slowly laid beside her under her quilt and for a minute I stared her. SLEEPING HER!

She looks cute, so I softly pecked her cheek and chuckled.

I moved closer to her and wrapped my arm around her.

The warmth and comfort around her is undescribable✨

Finally my mind is on peace but heart is not. It's beating fast.

While staring her, my eyes became heavy and slowly I fell asleep.



My quilt and pillow again felt the same as it felt when I woke up in Karan's arms.

Same warmth, same protective feel, same home like feel....


I rubbed my eyes and woke up and I was right!

Again I woke up in his arms.

But I didn't feel awkward or something.

It feels good.

Yeah! It feels good. So good to wake up like this.

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