Theseus joins the dark side

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Authors Note: Hi! This oneshot was based off of this prompt: The villain gives their customary "join me and we can be great" speech. The hero accepts. I might add more chapters, but it seems unlikely, and only if you guys want it. Enjoy!

"Do you like what you see, Theseus?" Icarus smiled menacingly, looking down upon the so-called 'beloved' hero, watching them writhing on the ground, while the chaos around them grew, to what looked like no end.

Theseus watched in helpless horror, as the city, the city in which he had dedicated his entire life to protect, in which he grew up and cared for, was engulfed in hungry flames. His city, his home, was gone. Only rubble and ashes remained: the now the only proof that this city had ever existed in the first place. The former citizens watched from a distance, knowing they could do nothing, had nothing, and were nothing against the infamous Syndicates: Icarus, the mind manipulator. Zephryrus, the crow father. and Protesilaus, the blood god.

"Are you happy? Do you see what you've done?" Theseus cried in anger, sorrow and grief, for the place that he once called home, and the place that was now no more, "Are you PROUD of what you have done?"

"I mean, yeah mate. I mean, that's been the whole point of this, we ARE anarchists after all," Zephryrus responded, while flying towards his direction with his signature majestic crow wings on his back. It was a forever mystery to all of the people whether those wings were real and biological, or if they were simply just another part of his villain attire.

"And isn't it truly a work of art? I mean, you can't see THAT and say it isn't beautiful!" Icarus exclaimed.

And call Theseus insane, but no matter how much he could deny in, it truly was. There was something, SOMETHING about the chaotic mess that made it look so tragically mesmerising is a way. In a messed up and wicked way. Maybe it way the way the flames danced so gracefully, as it were alive and free of reign, so childish and playful. Or maybe it was the comforting glow from the fire seemed console, as if it filled the warmth missing from Theseus's childhood: being hugged or embraced, the passion and smothering he never got.

Finally, Protesilaus joined the scene, snapping Theseus from his spiralling, guilty thoughts.

"You know, Theseus, it didn't have to be this way." Protesilaus stated in his monotone voice. And he was right.

Theseus glanced at the citizens that were once a part of this city, and can't help but feel a sinking sensation in his stomach, that HE had let them down, and it was all his fault. The shame returned to him.

Protesilaus continued: "You truly want to be a hero? Then learn how to die like one."

Silence, as Theseus let those words sink in.

"Dude, you can't just say that!' Icarus whispered, not so discreetly, "That totally contradicts my cool villain speech!"

"Not sorry. You have to admit, that line sounded awesome." Protesilaus smirked

"I hate you," Icarus replied

"You love me," Protesilaus contradicted

"You're lucky you're my brother," Icarus gritted his teeth in frustration. Then, switching to normal voice volume, he then looked directly at Theseus.

"Or, you could join us! It's your choice!"

"...what?" Theseus looked at Icarus as if he were insane, because let's be honest, he probably was.

"Think about it! Join us, and you'll possess all this power! Think about all the great havoc you could wreck, and the shenanigans you could create! Why spend your life attending to the poor? Overrated! You could accomplish so more by joining the dark side." Icarus exclaimed "You've failed! Failed to help all these citizens? What's the point in anything anymore? YOU care so much about them, but do they care about you?"

Icarus had touched a nerve. Because he was right, wasn't he? All his life Theseus had spent his time protecting the peoples. He had sacrificed so, so much. And no one cared. No one appreciated him.

Icarus continued. "Join us, Theseus! Together, we could rule the world! With your intelligence, Protesilaus's strength, Zephrurus's knowledge and my-"

"Okay." Theseus agreed, shrugging.

The world seemed to have stopped. The citizens watching gasped in terrified shock. The Syndicates stared at him in jaw-dropping suprisement.

"...I'm...sorry?" Icarus finally asked, having finally found the ability to speak once again.

Theseus look a bated breath. "You heard what I said."

Icarus took a couple seconds to process those words. "Wait, wait, wait! What? That's not what happens! You're supposed to say no, and go on this huge heroic speech about how no matter what happens, you're never giving up, and pull out that last sly move, like, I've watched movies! I'm not stupid!"

" you WANT me to reject you?" Theseus questioned, with genuine curiosity.

"I mean, no! BUT-" Icarus began

"Then okay then, I accept your offer." Theseus stated, as if he were merely stating that one plus one equaled to two.

Everyone stared at Theseus with a dumbfounded look.

Theseus sighed. "Look man, like, I'm never appreciated. No one really cares and just takes me for granted. And have you seen those memes? I'm so done! Plus, your costumes look way cooler, and having a GROUP of supers is so much more fun that just being a super of one! It also doesn't help that all those photos of me on media suck so much, like hello? Get some better photographers."

" then mate. Do you want to, like, come with us then?" Zephrurus asked, seeming to be the only human who had at least semi-recovered from the shock.

"You kidding?" Theseus asked, "heck yeah! Let's do this!"

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