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At the Action Forest. It started where Eagleator fight with the other warriors. And so far, he beat almost everyone in the forest and all the fighters started to flee as they all surrendered

Eagleator: "Heh!.. Cowards."

He said to himself with a mischief smile on his face as he watch his opponents running away. But then suddenly, an anonymous voice of an unknown stranger coming from the shadows.

Unknown Stranger: "I see you have a courageous spirit..."

Eagleator "Huh?"

He looked at the shadows with confusion as the unknown stranger walks out of the shadows wearing a cloak as the shadows covered his face.

Eagleator: "Who are you supposed to be?" *He asked to the stranger with curiosity*

Unknown Stranger: "That's not important right now. But in fact... I came here to challenge you."

Eagleator: "Hmph. Well, you seem like a rookie around these parts."

Unknown Stranger: "Now don't underestimate me, warrior. Not every rookie are beginners to have their first fight. If you think I'm not worthy? I suggest you should make your first move."

Eagleator: "Heh. You think you can take the risk?" *He said as he gets ready to make his first move*

Unknown Stranger: "I have all the time in the world. It was you who should take risk. Because it seems like you didn't have the guts to fight a rookie like me."

Eagleator: "Tch. You got some nerves there huh? Alright. Let's see what you got."

Then Eagleator attacks to the stranger. But the Unknown Stranger dodged every move he attacks with his speed and agility. Eagleator attacks him more but keeps missing him.

Unknown Stranger: "Nice attacks warrior. But that wouldn't be enough to do it."

Eagleator: "HYAH! ARGH! How are you so fast?!" *He yelled as he keeps attacking him*

Unknown Stranger: "There's a lot more things you don't know about me."

He suddenly kicks his face as he do a back flip, and yet Eagleator still stand. Eagleator was starting to get impatient as he attacks more with anger. After many times her attack, the stranger keeps dodging it. Then suddenly the stranger immediately attacks as he got Eagleator off guard and falls down, then immediately gets up as he gets ready for his next attack.

Unknown Stranger: "Heh. I'm impressed there, warrior. You really do have something in you."

Eagleator: "You think? 'Cause you're starting to get in to my nerves here."

Unknown Stranger: "Oh. Am I too hard for you to handle? My apologies. I'll go easy on you next time. But right now.... Let's end this fight."

He said with a devilish smile as someone suddenly electric shock Eagleator from behind.

Eagleator: "AAAAHHHH!!!!" *He screamed at the top of his lungs in pain from behind*

Then the person behind him stops shocking him and Eagleator passed out unconsciously. The unknown stranger stares at him with an evil smile on his face.

Unknown Stranger: "Take him back the lair. We have a new toy to give for our Master." *He ordered to his henchmen*

Then one of his henchmen used a spell to open a portal to another world. Then they dragged Eagleator in the portal as they enter, and the stranger follows with a devilish smile on his face

Unknown Stranger: "Sooner or later, this place will fall into Master's hands." *He say with an evil tone of voice as he also entered the portal*

As he entered, portal closed behind him as it disappeared, never to be seen again.

Will they ever come back?...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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