Chapter 7.

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Harry was next to her not doing much dancing , but rather letting Bree do all the work. He wore the same all black t-shirt and dark black jeans that looked way to tight on a male. I myself couldn't pull off skinny jeans without walking like I have a stick up my ass.

The rest of the gang were a little far back on a long leather sofa. I started breathing heavily, nervous.

Where's Michael..

Contemplating on whether to run out the door or stay here, I froze when I felt this strange unwelcoming hand on my right hip, turning to face a tall guy that looked completely wasted next to me.

"What's a pretty girl like you all by herself ?" He spoke weakly.

I took an awkward step back away from his touch," Um..I'm here with some friends."

He took another step forward, "Well they are not here right now, wanna have some fun?" His eyes were staring at my breast I swallowed slowly, "No thanks."

Perved. Main reasons why I don't come to these partys, to avoid sexually frustrated sleeze bags.

I turned to leave but his hand held my wrist tightly turning me back to him. This time he pulled me against the wall, I tried pushing him away but he was remarkably stronger than me even in his wasted state.

"Let go of me!" I shouted, furious.

"Playing hard to get I see." He said with an amused low chuckle, moving one of his hands from the wall to my body, resting very low on my waist.

"I'm not playing!" I snapped, closing my eyes for a second thinking of why on earth did I come here. The hard music banging into my earlobes, giving me a headache. How am I going to get out of this mess.

What happened after was like an angel answering my thoughts because this time, the guy was not holding me back but mostly on the floor with a bruised nose. And the person who did that lovely and frightening action shocked me even more. It was Zayn.

"Are you okay?" He asked worry clear in his voice. I didn't say anything I just hugged him tightly. I wanted to feel safe, that I was okay, now that I'm with him.

I didn't want to let him go, I missed him. Ever since we moved here it felt like.. like we were drifting apart but when our embrace dissolved, looking in his eyes mimicked a glimmer of light that comforted me.

We went to the kitchen he poured me a red cup with water of course. I felt people staring at us girls whispering looking at me with blank expressions. He asked me if I was alright countless of times.

"Did he touch you?" Zayn asked.

"No you came right in time." He released a deep breath that looked like he's been holding in. My eyes narrowed to his arms covered with tattoos that I never expected Zayn would think of getting.

I unintentionally touched one of his tattoos trailing the dark ink, one design caught my attention it had more colour then the other wierd looking ones. It was written 'ZAP!'

"Peace of art isn't it?" He said grinning, clearly proud of it.

"Is there a meaning behind it?" I asked, placing the cup on the counter and crossing my arms.

His eyebrows furrowed then softened,"I think I was drunk when I got it."

"Quite the drinker now days." I wonder why..

He chuckled, "Quite into partys now days."

"It's not what it looks like, Bree invited me here." I said, defensively. Me and party's doesn't go together, never will. Rather be reading right now.

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