Chapter 4.

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Hiii! I did another long chapter for you guys! get your popcorn and juice it's going to be a wild ride;) hehehe


Anella's POV:

Days have gone by and it was Friday, I haven't seen Harry in English class over four days know, ever since the library. But casually in the shcool hallways with of course his group of friends, what Carter and Michael call the gang.

I think two days ago, he was all over a skinny girl with silly bleach blonde hair. They're probably dating or something the way he was kissing her was pretty intense. Paying no attention to me what so ever, a casual glance here and there but nothing like when I first saw him.

I didn't care, seriously he's probably a serial killer for all I know.

However, there was no doubt that Zayn is hiding something from me, whenever he comes to see me let me point out only on some occasions, like when we walked around campus or grab some unhealthy, greasy forty-nine cent hamburgers. Yeah I don't normally eat bad but it's hard having temptation on every block of the city.

He would act as if nothing has changed, Zayn would assure me that quote "I'm fine, I'm real."

I don't know if I'm going crazy or something but my gut is telling me I may be right, and his new posse must have had an impact on this sudden change.

"Hey there," I was pulled out of my thoughts due to the husky male voice. I sat in my last class of the day journalisim.

I look up apon a fairly tall man with straight blonde hair that landed above his ears. What's with guys and their long hair don't care look? He must be new i haven't seen him before.

The boy looked downward as he cleared his throat. I'm guessing by my long wait for a reply.

"Hi," I managed to say. I'm not used to having people come up to me and converstat surely not this appealing.

He looked extremely wealthy with his designer shirt, his overall appearance screamed rich. I felt a bit intimidated by the way he portrayed himself not denying his charm and confidence.

He was about to sit next to me, but kindly asked if it was taken. I shook my head no. He sat down smiling at me.

"I'm Jace Young,"his deep blue eyes not leaving mine. As he added,"you are..?"

"Anella Greenberg," I muttered.

His smile grew, as he messed up his sandy blonde hair. I looked at him confusingly. What? I know my name isn't basic like; Emily and Ashley. I'm not offended or anything, kinda use to people giving me wierd eyes by my unique name.

I shifted my weight uncomfortably, underneath the hard wooden chair,"Just call me Ella.."

" I like Anella better. I think it's quite nice to have a name above the ordinary, right?" Still flashing his adorable smile. I liked him instantly, he's the first person to actually compliment my name and really look sincere about it.

"Your the first person to make that remark." I said with a warm smile.

He narrowed his eyes,"Glad to be your first Anella."

We spent the rest of the period talking, well we both finished are assignments; I was a bit surprised by his remarkably fast paste catching up to me that was unexpected. I'm glad having someone who's major is journalism as I am. He started explaining how he transferred here from LA to be closer to his father and brother. I tell him how me and my best friend arrived here.

As the class ended we were about to exit together but the Professor stoped him, I'm guessing to give him his curriculum outlining all the subjects in the semester.

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