[ 𝟎𝟎𝟗. ] was i worth it?

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009 , was i worth it?


"WHERE'S EVIE?" Luna asks the moment she found her mom writing some paperwork in her office which she was usually in if not the hospital. Emery usually doesn't have bad eyesight but she owned reading glasses, the tiny ones with a very specific resolution prescribed solely for her comfort to read and write as she pleases. Evelyn had one too, though the younger girl preferred to obtain contact lenses and kept her eyeglasses tucked in the depths of her cabinet drawers.

     Luna never understood that, she had a somewhat okay vision that didn't need her to go to the optometrist every once in a while unlike her older sister, she was always the lucky one, she was told, whenever it came to her physical well-being. Evelyn was not so much luckier, always getting sick whenever the weather would act up irregularly according to which season of the year it was. It was probably convenient to have a mother with a medical degree and would always take an absence in her work to take care of her own sick children, even if it was just the flu.

     "Sent her out for groceries." Emery informs, glancing up at her youngest to see Luna covered in a sweater and her hair up messily. "Good morning in the afternoon, sweetheart." She greets in a flat tone, obviously not impressed on what time Luna woke up and the girl sheepishly laughs, falling down on the small sofa in the room.

     "I had a long night, mother." Luna reasons weakly, returning a smile to her mother's very motherly look before she had to focus on her paperworks again.

     "Are you hungry?" Emery asks affectionately, "There's a leftover meal in the fridge but I can't cook anything new yet, your sister's still out shopping."

     "She alone?"

     "Uh, you know what, I think Rosalie accompanied her." Emery says without even thinking of what she said and truly, neither did Luna. "They were talking on the phone before she left. I'm glad you guys are friends with the Cullen kids."

     Luna hums a yes, staring out in the open as she let her mother's words sink in place. It came well easy, getting to know each of the Cullens that most people in her year in school would fond well over enough to be obsessive. Luna didn't really understand the appeal, even more so when she got to talk to them more on a personal level thanks to her sister who was close to Alice. Luna didn't really want to make friends, she had acquaintances here and there back in Manchester, she was even more close to Evelyn's previous friends rather than said acquaintances. She couldn't imagine herself being tied to people emotionally, it was almost hurtful, opting to stay away as it makes her uncomfortable, for the most part.

     When it came to the Cullens, it came easy. Edward was quiet at first, he and Luna didn't exactly have a well off conversation at the beginning that day before New Year's, but the alcohol helped some. She expected it helped for Edward too, to blow off a little steam and come out of his comfort zone a little. With Luna's admiration to Rock, she was a little gobsmacked to learn about Edward's preference for Jazz and more of it. The real reason was hidden, he simply said it makes him feel calm and at home so she eased up a little on the teasings.

     Then Jasper was a more complicated matter, he didn't speak unless he was spoken to and if he does, he wouldn't show any sign of being uninterestes in the topic. Luna quite liked his company, finding him almost comfortable as he somehow knew what to say or what to do. She loved Alice even more, Evelyn was right about the whole balancing one another thing Jasper and Alice had for their relationship. It was easeful to witness for the first time, Luna then understood why Evelyn became fast friends with all of them, they all mattered to one another and it was only a matter of time before they became real acquainted.

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