[ 𝟎𝟏𝟐. ] i said all that?

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012 , i said all that?


GOOD NEWS, Evelyn passed her trigonometry exam with only about two or three mistakes due to miscalculations of lack of time in the period they were given. It affected her ego as much but she kept that to herself, knowing half her class failed and envied her for her perfectly good grades and life enough as it is. People either worshipped or hated her here in Forks, there was no in between. The natural human instinct it was to want something from someone that bad to hate them. Evelyn didn't fault them, she barely knows people in Forks other than the Cullens and she wanted to keep it that way since she was going back to England in seven months or so anyways. Didn't want to make the same mistake of befriending people and just leaving them, she learned a hard lesson and got lucky with Phoebe for forgiving her so easily.

     That library talk with Rosalie was all she thought about. It kept her on edge, it filled her with hopeless happiness again. Evelyn didn't know what it meant, but she knew it was bad news. She couldn't keep getting attached to this woman for all Rosalie kept giving her was no more than innocent friendship. If it were anything beyond that, there would be no doubts, Evelyn couldn't care less if she wasn't human, she only wanted what felt right. Right now, it doesn't but why does it feel like it would turn around any time now? Blissful conversations, endless yearning and for what? Evelyn didn't know but she was willing to stay to find out. To figure what it was that Rosalie wanted from her.

     "Are you heading off to see mum when we get home?" Luna approaches Evelyn who was waiting by the car, waiting for her to finish her last class so she can drive her home. Luna inhales deeply, "I know she's in surgery still, are you gonna wait for her tonight?" She knows her older sister does this. Whenever their mom would tell them she would work overtime and be home a little or while late, Evelyn would spare the time to wait for her in the hospital.

     "Yeah." Evelyn answers after a moment, processing the fact that Luna was talking to her after being completely ignored for the past two weeks now. "Why? You want to come with?" She asks, looking expectant but witheld it as much that Luna couldn't tell.

     "No." Then Evelyn turns away, a little disappointed. "Listen, I'm gonna ride with a friend home today."

     Ah, so it began. Evelyn wished she believed she didn't expect this but she did. Luna always does this. Before she turns away to leave without revolting conflict, Evelyn speaks up to continue their conversation, "Which friend?" She asks, a few eyes turn to them but never really gave much thought.

     "Come on." Luna scoffs, her arms falling to her sides in exasperation. "What am I, ten? Do I have to report every fucking thing to you now?" She asks in a well angered tone, steps back to her sister to engrave that words and so other students wouldn't get too nosy and eavesdrop.

     "Don't do that." Evelyn says, shaking her head and tiredly looks away. She felt exhausted feeling so depleted all the time. She didn't want to say that it was her sister of all people causing it but Luna was making it so difficult. Every conversation they now have is an argument that Evelyn did not want to go through. This was her younger sister, what say does she have to console her into reconcilation? Nothing, because she never listens and whenever Evelyn tries, she gets shut down.

     "Then stop acting like such a mom." Luna exclaims a little loudly. "You wouldn't do all that when you know what's been going on lately."

     Evelyn frowns, "As if I don't?"

     "Our parents make major mistakes and you never hold it against them, why?" Luna complains, raising her shoulders in anger. Evelyn breathes out, noticing a few people staring at them now like they were causing such a scene but it was only just beginning. "You always tell me to suck it up and when it's them‐"

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