Chicken (not rlly x reader)

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My name is Samantha Gunn, I am 11 years old and the daughter of the one and only Billy Gunn. My mom is Paula Gunn. I also have two brothers, Colten and Austin who is love dearly.

In my free time I like to enjoy to spend time with my friends. I especially like hanging out with my best friend named Sarah, who is by the way in the same class as I am.

We planned on doing something together.

S: Hey, do u want to hang out?

Me: Yeah sure. Where do u wanna meet?

S: Maybe at the field? We can walk around in the forest or something. I don't really want to go to the city..

Me: Sounds good

S: Is it okay when Lisa comes along?
Me: Sure

S: Alright see you at 1

Me: Bye :))

'Finally I have something fun to do exept for homework', I thought.

After I told my parents who also wanted to go to the city that day, I started to get ready.
At 1 pm. I made my way to Sarah's house where Lisa was already waiting. Luckily the park wasn't that far away since she lived in a rural area.

"So what do you have in mind?" I asked Sarah.

"Mm I kinda want to do something risky", she said with a mischevious grin.

"Oooohh okayy like what exactly?"

"Oh", Lisa said,"maybe we can play chicken!"

"Cool but where?"

"Mayybe.." she looked around the park until she spotted something in the distance, "on the train tracks"

"What?", I said,"no way I'm, we're not doing that!"

"Oh come on it'll be fun!"
"I'm too young to die!", I whined. "I still wanna experience, I don't know.. my life??"

"Don't be like that", Lisa laughed,"please??"

I sighed,"okay fine."

So we went to the train tracks. On the way, Sarah noticed my nervous glance.

"Don't worry, we'll be fine, I got you."

"We'll just get on the tracks, alright?", Lisa laughed, "it's fine really".

Still feeling unwell about the whole situation I climbed on them until I stood in the middle. My friends climbed up soon after.
Their excitement was very evident on their faces.

After waiting for a while I started to grow impatient.

"Can we finally go somewhere else now? I'm starting to get- guys.. what's that noise?"

Sarah started smirking.

"What noise? I don't hear anything"
I looked to my right but couldn't see anything, Lisa was blocking my view.

"I changed my mind.. I need to get off right now.."

Suddenly both of them grabbed my hands.

"Omg this is exciting!!"

"Uhh guys I think we should-

"No wait! Five seconds more, then we jump out of the way!", Sarah shouted.

My hands started to sweat. I mentally slapped myself for doing this bad idea with them in the first place.
The noise of the train became louder.

"Okay! In three..

I stared over Lisa's head, looking at the train driving at full speed  directly towards us.


I snapped my eyes shut


'Please let this be a bad dream'


They jumped, tearing me with them in the process. For a moment I thought the train hit me but it was just the impact of my friends yanking on my arms. The force was so unexpected that I landed on the ground, the train merely inches away from me drove past us.

In a daze I got up and looked at my friends in disbelief. They just stared at each other for one second before breaking out into a laughing fit.

"You should've seen your face!!", Sarah laughed at me.

Too shocked to reply I slowly walked away from the train tracks, desperately needing to sit down. But nevertheless I couldn't stop the small smirk forming on my face while thinking about the absurdity of it all.


After that chaotic scenario we walked around the park for a while, talking about school and hobbies before slowly going back to Lisa's house. When I wanted to say goodbye she stopped me for a brief moment.

"Hold on let me send you the video"

"Wait you filmed us playing chicken? "
"Yeah I placed my phone infront of us before we hopped on"

"You're sneaky!", I laughed,"but please let's never do this again promise?"

"Okay I promise"

We said our goodbyes. Because it was already late my mom picked me up by car.

"Hey!", she greeted me,"how was it?"

"Good, we walked around the park and just talked", I responded.
There was no way I would have told her what actually happened.

-Timeskip, one week later-

"Oh my God Samantha!"
"What's wrong?", I asked my mom in confusion. She just handed my her phone wordlessly.
"It's all over social media. Your dad is going to kill you that's for sure."

I looked at the phone. Sarah uploaded the video on her profile and now everyone could see what we have done including my parents since they had her contact.

"I'm sorry okay? It was just a dumb game we played but I'll promise to you I'll never do it again, really!!"

She sighed.
"Just wait until your father hears about this.." (Draco malfoy moment xD)

I got yelled at and grounded on that day. Because it was "irresponsible" of me to do that or whatever. But it wasn't really my fault. My friends kinda pushed me into it. I guess the moral of the story is that you shouldn't let your friends pressure you into doing bad stuff or something.

Either way we all got some kind of punishment, but still it was kinda worth it ;)

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