(Ricky Starks x reader - angst)- When worlds fall apart Pt. 1

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You two have been together ever since he wrestled at indie shows.

Throughout all the years you have spent together, he has never really changed and stayed true to his persona, even later on when he became more popular.

Before you met Ricky, you had been together with Jon where you went  through thick and thin, but when you two broke up and you met Ricky, it was like a breath of fresh air.

Unlike Jon, Ricky was more charismatic and outgoing, a little bit like a diva, which you instantly loved about him. He would carry his extravagant attitude to the ring and amplify it even more. He didn't need to change his real name to something classier because it already suited him very well.

The first time you two met, you had just come out of the breakup with Jon and started working at Aew as a new talent on Aew dark.

You started to adjust to the new environment. You knew a few people from the indies, including Ricky. Having lost his contact for a year, it was a real surprise to see him again.

You two managed to catch up with your lives pretty quickly, which soon blossomed into a real friendship.

You two quickly became friends, then best friends. You would constantly have his back, through Team Taz and after his break up with Hobbs amd he would have yours.

But this slowly began to change into something more. Over the course of him and you becoming fan favourites,  you two grew closer together than ever before.

On the night after you made your debut after a month long injury, he kissed you for the first time backstage.

Everything was perfect at that time. A young couple in love with nothing to fear. The cherry on top came months later, when you won the Aew women's tag team title together with Willow Nightingale, along with
Ricky winning the Tnt championship.

But then things started to change.

It started off slow at first. You would notice his small character traits which were a bit annoying more and more, that haven't bothered you at all before. Like whenever you were with your friendgroup, he would be the perfect gentleman and show you off to his clique, but once the two of you were together cuddling, he would seem kind of disinterested and almost bored? He would still bring you occasional gifts and show you affection through hugs and kisses here and there, but more so in public than in private.

It would bother you, but you didn't want to say anything, it was your first intimate relationship after all, and you still wanted to be loved and adored by him. This feeling of wanting his attention outweighed the feeling of dissatisfaction.

Sooner or later, the dissatisfaction turned into craving, which ultimately turned into loneliness. You felt like you should be grateful that he is that supportive and caring boyfriend but at the same time your relationship felt off, like the physical and emotional aspect of it was missing or at least started to get less.

When you confronted him about it, he'd just say that he's sorry and would change. But on the flipside, it did benefit his wrestling image.

You didn't know for how long you felt like this, but what you did know is that it was exhausting to play it off like everything was fine with him on camera and around friends when it really wasn't.

In your lonely state of longing for some kind of physical touch from him, you started to second guess yourself. What if you aren't the one for him? What will happen in five or ten years from now?

You imagined a scenario of you doing all the housework with two kids to feed while he comes home with a girl in his arms. 'That would be likely to happen', you would think pessimistically.

It would be a routine for both of you.  He would occasionally text you how your day was and you'd respond with something like 'It was good how's yours' amd he would respond something like 'Good, hey I'm meeting up with my friends so I will be back later on in the evening.'

You didn't mind him going clubbing without you. In fact, you became used to him coming back late at night when you were already sleeping.

Touches and kisses would become rarer, everthing was only small smiles and friendly texts on the phone.

The intimacy was out completely, it seemed. It was like the time reversed back to when you still were friends or at the early stage of your relationship when you two were shy around each other.

But now, it was with the exception that you didn't live in your own little love bubble where you thought every small gesture, even the bare minimum was a whole loving act of him. Now you saw reality for what it is, the rose tinted glasses being gone a long time ago.

You have never felt so lonely and so unseen. Everyone around you doesn't question your relationship one bit, it wasn't their business after all or maybe they didn't care, but you were hurting inside. You wanted to feel love from him, not just friendliness.

You wanted to have those late night conversations with him again, where you would talk about deep subjects that would touch your heart everytime he opened up to you.
You wanted to feel all tingly inside, like the first time he held you close to him.

But now you feel more like a roommate than anything to him. You two didn't fight or shared distain for each other no, you were just...there. No deep emotions shared between you two, whether it would be positive or negative, you would just keep each other company, talk about small things, what happened in the day but that was it.

Your sadness reflected on your work in the ring. You weren't as optimistic and quick thinking anymore. You somewhat grew tired of everything and wanted to catch a break badly.

Your friends and co workers have asked you about it but all you told them that it was fatigue. You didn't want to adress the truth, you didn't want the conflict and the unnecessarily wasted time and energy spent into going through a possible break up.

You were in a downward spiral that never seemed to end.

Until Austin showed up.

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