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4 months later
Man you tripping , I yelled all in Damien's face.
The fuck is your issue? I yelled as he walked off the field .
This nigga just got placed on the bench for having a fight with another player from the other team, this is third time in the same night so you know they finna fine him again, yeah last month they fine him 5000 , you would of thought he would of  learnt but he didn't.

Siya left, like real deal left with my niece and went back to Tallahassee with her mom. She was over it all and she was sick of being embarrassed and not to lie dudes been a shit show since.
Drinking and just doing stupid stuff and I was always in his chest . The last 4 months has been the worst .

But I had something or should I say someone or some people here for him tonight, I wish he would of played good but he showed his ass once again .

Why you doing all that? You think Yaya want to see her daddy acting stupid on the field? Siya says as he's walking into the locker room.
Looking back, the nigga look stuck.

Like why you get out there and act like this? You think that's cool? Siya asked again.
We just talked this morning and I asked you to chill out. Why would I come back to you and you're showing out? Making us look worst then what we already looked on their eyes? Siya says as he's looking so chill.
This girl is his peace and we all knows that that's why I tell him to keep momma out their life but you see he didn't listen and nows he looking like a crazy man with a bad attitude.

Umm I know he did go see Yaya and Diamond did bring Yaya to see him a few times but he hasn't seen Siya since she left and he hasn't seen the belly bump either until today.
They talked but he's always making her upset after the conversation, like this morning she was on a plane here and would not FaceTime with him and he snaps.
Nobody knew she was pregnant but her momma . Yes she's about 5 months and it's crazy because baby girl ain't even one. But that what he wanted , he said he wanted a house full and he wanted her to get pregnant back to back.

Why are you acting out? She asked him as her mom is holding Yaya.

Just looking at her he was in a daze and he couldn't say anything .

Watching her mom bring Yaya to him, my niece looked like my brother but in a girls form. She was so pretty and had some pretty eyes but so bald head.
Watching him as Ms,Diana hand her to him, he was so soft . Tears exiting his eyes and he kissed and hugged his baby.

11 pm
After the meeting of course he met with his coaches and staff and we knew it he was fine and put on probation and told he couldn't play the next 5 games that they had left.
He was hurt but he knew that .

You okay babe? Nika asked me as we are in the truck on our way back to the room.
Damien is in the truck in front of us with Siya she wasn't being nice at all, he was like a puppy he just watched her and held my niece who was sleeping in his arms.

Yeah I'm okay. I hope sis stay, like this nigga needs his ass beat, like this is second fine and this 20000, I say as Mario just shook his head .
Yeah I know I'm pissed but nigga Siya pregnant and I'm so blowed, Mario says.
Yeah I just talked to Dime , she said she knew that before she left but she was told not to say nothing because Siya didn't want D to stress her out , I replied as we are pulling up to the hotel.

Damn I hope she stay man , I cannot be running behind him and making sure he's not fighting everyone.

We just had to stop him for fight some dude the other night , like he was tripping hard as fuck.
Cody even had his hand around his neck , he was upset with Siya for leaving D so he hasn't seen Siya until tonight and he didn't even speak to her he just looked, he said she know that's gonna fuck with him mentally so why do it but he ain't get why she was upset , momma did that not D. But I got why Siya was upset she told him not to bring momma to her house and he did .

Walking behind them she was saying something and he was looking stupid in the face .

Can you please just let me sleep under you? Why do you have to get your own room? He asked as she's walking to the desk.

Man she's here just to treat me like shit, like she know I want to be with her and my kids tonight but she's doing me so wrong, I ain't do shit to her, D says walking from out of the hotel

15 mins later
Oh he got back in the truck and told the driver to drive him to some club , we of course stop that but this nigga wouldn't get out of the truck so I'm in here talking to him and he's saying all type of shit, shit that he didn't mean. He was saying he was gonna fuck off now since the bitch who he loves and only fucked don't want him .

Watching Siya walk towards the truck , he hushed .

Get out , like why did you think I would of came back and just laid up with you ? We aren't together, she says.
Just watching him look at her , you can tell both of them was hurt 😞 and it was sad because their beautiful together.

Can I please just sleep in the same room ? I'll sleep on the floor please he begged.

Come on , she says rolling her eyes.
She loves you nigga , she's just hurt , I say as Siya walks back in the hotel .

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