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Within the next 20 minutes, I spent the time calling Riley and telling her the gist of what just happened. I was pacing back and forth in my living room, tears rolling down my face as my whole body becomes hot from the situation.

"You told him?!" Riley shrieks in my ear through the phone.

I stop dead in my tracks and felt a sudden wave of rage in the pit of my stomach.

"You're turning this on me?!" I scream back. "This is all your fault for dragging me down in the first place!"

"I gave you a choice. You didn't have to come and help me that night."

"Are you completely ignoring the fact that I just got broken up with?" I scoff into the phone.

Riley grows silent on the other end, not responding to my question.

"Look, I know I blew our cover." I say, breaking the silence. "But you have to understand that he was going to find out sooner or later."

"And it had to be sooner." Riley releases a heavy sigh. I could tell I had frustrate her.

"I'm sorry, Riles." I plop down on the couch, rubbing my forehead with my hands as I take in the situation.

"He could report us to the police."

"No, Bill wouldn't do that. Besides, I didn't tell him who I was with."

Riley went quiet again. This time, I thought it could be since she was thinking, trying to come up with a plan to get us out of this.

"Call Bill. Talk to him. Maybe he's calmed down now."

"I don't think he wants to speak to me anytime soon." My voice breaks. The thought of us never speaking again upset me.

"You never know until you find out. I have to go. Just call him and if you two talk it out, then let me know."

"Okay, okay." I nod my head in agreement. "I'll do it. Just don't do anything stupid, Riley."

Riley chuckles on the other end of the phone. I could picture her face in my head, thinking about her reaction.

"You have nothing to worry about. Goodbye, Leah. I'll talk to you soon."

She hangs up the phone, and I'm left sitting on the couch with my thoughts, pondering over my morning with Bill.

My heart races against my chest, the fear of Bill reporting me to the police helping with the dead body of his ex-girlfriend. He doesn't know Riley is involved, and I'd like to keep it that way.

The vibration of my phone buzzing in my lap snaps me out of my daze, and my focus comes back as I glare down at my screen.

"We need to talk." A message from Bill reads.

My mouth dries out with nerves, and I swallow nervously. My hands feel shaky as I hold my phone in my hands. I exhale a shaky breath, knowing that this can't be good.

"The words 'we need to talk' never had a good outcome." I tell myself.

"Okay, sure. When?" I instantly text back.

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