Chapter 1 - The Sleepover

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3rd Person

"Okay guys, what game should we play?" Max grinned as she looked around at all of the party members.

"Uh, I dont know?" Lucas shrugged, looking quite bored.

"Yeah, I dont know either, man" Dustin sighed, looking towards Mike and El who still hasn't said anything.

"El, Mike, do you two have any ideas?" Max asked them both.

"Nope." El replied for the both of them, making Max groan.

"Lets do truth or dare then!" Max suggested, a sly grin forming on her face.

"What are we, seven years old?" Mike scoffed, thinking her idea was stupid.

"Its not that bad of an idea." Dustin shrugged, making Max cheer.

"Im down!" Lucas grinned, thinking it could be quite fun.

"Me too!" El agreed, quickly followed by Dustin who agreed aswell. Everybody turned to look at Mike, raising their eyebrows expectingly.

"Fine." Mike groaned, obviously annoyed.

"Okay! Lucas, truth or dare?" Dustin grinned, turning to look at Lucas.

". . .Dare." Lucas grinned, slightly nervous.

"Kiss your favorite person in this room." Dustin told him.

"Sure" Lucas agree, before leaning over and kissing Max.

"Aww, stalker!" Max blushed, giving her boyfriend's arm a light punch. Lucas went red and turned to Dustin, wanting to move on.

"Dustin, truth or dare?" Lucas asked him.

"Truth!" Dustin announced, sounding confident.

"Is suzie real?" Lucas asked him, making Max and El both let out small giggles.

"Oh my god. Of course she is!" Dustin scoffed.

"Hmm. . . sure." Lucas nodded, before Dustin let out a small scoff and turning to Mike.

"Ugh whatever, Mike, truth or dare?" He asked the angry looking boy.

"Uhh. . . dare?" Mike spoke, though he sounded unconfident.

"Oh my god. Max, Lucas, come here. I have the best dare ever!" Dustin giggled like a little girl.

Lucas and Max share a look of confusion before leaning in to hear dustin amazing idea. Dustin whispers it to them and Max and Lucas' faces light up and they start giggling. They all lean away and compose themself, then Dustin goes to speak.

"So Mike, would you like to know your amazing dare?" Dustin spoke, only causing Mike to panic slightly.

"Oh god. . . sure." Mike agreed reluctantly, knowing Dustin would have something awful planned.

"I dare you to tell Will your in love with him tomorrow." Dustin grinned.

"What!?" Mike yelled, absolutely horrified.

"Oh my god, imagine how funny Will's face would be!!" Dustin giggled.

"He'd be horrified!" Lucas giggled aswell.

"Exactly! Theres no way I am doing that." Mike refused.

"Please, Mike! All you have to do is tomorrow after we go home, you invite him round and tell him! You get his horrified reaction and then tell him it was a prank!" Dustin explained.

"..Do I have to?" Mike frowned.

"Ill give you 30 bucks." Dustin offered, and Mike's eyebrows raised.

"Well then you have a deal." Mike agreed. Everyone started cheering, but Eleven didn't look very happy about the dare.

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