Chapter 10 - Acceptance

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Mikes POV

Why the fuck do I feel so jealous. I mean all they are doing is cuddling. It's not even like he's my real boyfriend.. I don't like him the way he likes me. I dont. I know I dont.

I don't even realise but I am glaring at Max and everyone is looking at me.

"What?" I scoff.

"Why are you death glaring me, wheeler?" She raises an eyebrow.

"I-Im not." I tell her.

"Dude it looked like you were trying to explode her with your mind.. Like you looked super angry." Lucas told me.

"Oh. Erm I was just thinking." I turn my head towards the TV and eventually everybody stops looking st me and everything continues as normal.

Will wakes up when we are done with the movie and we all sit in a circle on the floor.

"Okay we should do something fun!" Max grins at us all.

"Oh god.." I mumble.

"Dont 'oh god' me wheelchair. I have a great idea." She tells me.

"Oh really?" I ask sarcastically.

"Really. Spin the bottle." She announces and there is a mixed reaction.

Max and Dustin are down to do it but Eleven and Lucas aren't sure.

"Mike, Will, what do you think?" Eleven asks us.

"I- Uh. I don't mind, Mike you can pick." Will shifts where he is sitting uncomfortably.

I need him to break up with me so whatever he wants I'll do the opposite.

I look up at him and his eyes are screaming no at me.

"I'm in." I nod and Max and Dustin start cheering and I see Will slump in his seat a bit.

"Great!! Let's go!" Max yells.

"Okay who wants to go first?" Dustin grins.

"I will." Lucas shrugs and Max hands him the bottle.

He spins it and it lands on Dustin.

"Aww come here Dusty Bun!!" He grins and Dustin rolls his eyes.

They give each other a quick peck on the lips and sat back down.

"Ew.." Dustin whispers as they both wipe their lips.

"Me next!" Max announces and spins it.

It lands on Will.

I grit my teeth and watch as Will goes red out of embarrassment and Max quickly glances over to me.

"Ugh not you, Willy boy." She teases and Will rolls his eyes and they both lean in and give each other a peck on the lips.

Why is Max kissing MY boyfriend.

"You jealous, Wheeler?" Max grins at me.

"W-What!? No!" I reply hastily.

"Chill!! Its just a joke." Max giggles and sits back down.

"I'll spin it now." Eleven smiles, trying to clear the awkward atmosphere.

She spins it and it lands on me.

I see her go red and I squirm in my seat, uncomfortable.

"I- uh right.." I mutter and she leans in and kisses me.

I feel her tongue graze my lip and I physically gag and pull away and she looks heart broken.

"You didn't need to gag.." She whispered and I felt bad.

"I-I didn't mean to gag.." I tell her awkwardly as I see Lucas and Dustin trying to hold in their laughter.

I shoot them a death glare and they straighten their faces and turn around.

"Uhm.. sorry I guess." I apologize.

She smiles weakly and I turn around to Will whos also trying not to laugh.

"Who do you think your laughing at!?" I yell at him playfully and he bursts into a fit of giggles and that sets Lucas and Dustin off so they start laughing aswell.

Eventually the whole party is laughing apart from Eleven who looka confused.

"What's so funny?" She asks us.

"I-I dont know!" I answer truthfully, still laughing.

We all finish our laughing fit and we go back to what we were doing but I say something, "I don't really wanna finish this game.."

Lucas and Dustin share a look, knowing why I don't want to but they agree anyway.

We all decide to watch another movie and then go to bed.

As we are all getting up I see Will start to walk over to where Max is sitting and I grab his arm gently.

"I- Uhm.. Can we, uh, sit together?" I ask him, clearly nervous.

He doesn't answer for a minute but he smiles at me and nods so we sit down together.

Eleven looks over at us and rolls her eyes and sits down next to Max.

I let Lucas and Dustin pick out the film since they had one they really wanted to watch, so they put it in the TV and we all sat down and watched it.

Will leaned in to me gently and I used my arms to pull him against me, so we were sat in the 'Big spoon little spoon' position.

I felt his head rest against my chest as we both lay down, watching the film.

I heard faint snores from beneath me and I looked down and saw Will sleeping.

He looks so peaceful when he sleeps..

I lean down and kiss the top of his head look up to see everyone staring at us. Again.

"I don't know why I did that.." I admit, and they all look at me blankly.

"You really do like him, dont you?" Lucas smiles softly.

I look down and see the sleeping boy in my arms.

I can't. My dad would hate me, everybody would hate me. You know what, who gives a fuck? I do like him.

"Yeah, I do.." I smile and hug Will tighter.

I see them all smile, apart from eleven, and they turn their attention back to the TV.

I feel sleepy so I ask Max for a blanket and she chucks it at my face (of course) so I put it over me and Will and go to sleep, still cuddling him.

{Word Count: 981}

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