My Multishipper ass

16 1 0

I ship so many people I swear it's unhealthy 😥

Pov- Ships see the ships I chose for this book.

💕🐍 meet 💜💕

Obamitsu- So you're telling me that she likes Shinobu?

Shinomitsu- Yup!

Shinomitsu- Even though your ship is clearly very canon!

💧💜 meets 💧🐍

Giyushino- How did that ship work out?

Obagiyuu- I actually don't know

✨⚡ meets ✨🔥

Uzuren- How the actual fuck did Tenzen even happen?

Tenzen- I don't know people in the fandom just matched people together and called it a day

Uzuren- Gosh that sucks

☀(not Yorichii)💧 meets ☀🍵

Tankana- Isn't Giyuutan shipping a minor with a adult?

Giyuutan- Yes but so many people ship it that it's almost a fan favorite

🐷☀ meets 🐷💙

Inotan- I can actually see Inoaoi happening more than mine

Inoaoi- Yeah same

🍵🤗 meets ⚡🤗

Kananezu- So I don't remember how my ship came to life

Zennezu- I think it was because you guys both don't talk

Kananezu- Sounds about right

🌪💧 meets 💧🐍

Sanegiyuu- Our ships are so similar because they shipped enemy with victim

Obagiyuu- I know right!

🌪🔫 meets 🔫🌫

Genmui- How the actual FUCK did Sanegen come to life?!

Sanegen- I. Dont. Know.

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