Chapter 2 - I love you too!

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Mikes POV

Shit. He's here.

I get up and drag myself to the front door and slowly open it. I see Will smiling, which makes me feel even worse. I plaster a fake smile on my face and invite him in.

"Will! Come in!" I smile down at him, moving out of the way so that he's able to come in.

"Thank you! I only just got told this but I'm only allowed round for about half an hour because my mum wants me to do the shopping for her and there's something else she wants me to do but she won't tell me and Im honestly a bit nervouse to find out what Im doing." Will rambled, not realizing how nervous Mike seemed to be.

"Hey, uhm, I need to tell you something." I mumble, already beginning to feel guilty.

Thank god I'm home alone right now, I could never do this in a house with people as homophobic as my parents.

"Oh, what is it?" He asks, tilting his head a bit. I smile at the little action but then remember what I'm meant to tell him.

"Uh. . ." Mike mumbled, too nervous to say what he needed to sah.

"Mike, your worrying me. Whats wrong?" He asks me, looking concerned.

"Will, I- I love you." I blurt out, cringing slightly at how straightforward that was.

I expect him to look angry, confused, disgusted, but he doesn't? He looks. . . happy?

"I- Is this a prank?" He asks, grinning.

I think whether I should say yes or no, not exactly knowing what to do in this situation.

"No. . ." I reply, already regretting what I said.

"Are you sure?" He asks, not convinced fully.

I think for a moment, looking down at him. I know I should say this is all a prank, but I really want to know where this ia going.

"Yeah. I'm sure." I assure him, nodding softly.

"Mike, I love you too!" He smiles, going red. I see him fidgeting with his hands in an excited manner.

I freeze. What do I say now. He loves me. My best friend loves me. All of a sudden a big wave of guilt washes over me.

I just lied to him. I've just completely betrayed his trust. Shit.

I tear up as I realize theres no easy way to get out of this conversation, and this will probably be the end of our friendship. Will is going to hate me.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asks gently.

"W- What? Nothing." I sniffle as I wipe away the tear that just fell down my face.

"It doesn't seem like nothing?" He questions, looking concerned.

"Im fine, I promise." I smile weakly at him.

I try and think of what to say, but my mind has completely blanked.

"So, what does this make us?" I hear Will ask me.

"Uhm. . . I dont know." I answer flatly.

"What do you want us to be?" I ask him, and I see him go red.

He just looks down smiles slightly.

"Thats an embarrassing question.." He grins slightly.

I know exactly what that grin means.

"Its okay, just say it."

Please don't say it.

Please don't say it.

𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐫 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐞 - Byler ✔Where stories live. Discover now