The Number

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                          Eleanors pov:

I was looking at Bill,I just couldn't stop staring, he was just so prefect,and so jaw dropping majestic. Then another song comes on,and it's in german. I don't understand a word but still dance and stare in awe,then i look at Ruby and she's singing along,getting some words incorrect. And it takes me back to when we first got here,Ruby only knew a couple words and was trying to get directions.Iwas laughing my ass off she would give me a look. "sorry Ruby." I said with a tone. She just rolled her eyes. Then I snap back to the present,Ruby was still singing, I hate being up the past,we have lived in germany for 1 year and a half,and I remember we strugged a lot when we first got here. but here we are now Ruby is talking to her father,we got a better apartment,and i'm not talking to both of my parents. There is a reason I don't like the past,my childhood was rough and horrible,and a month after gettting here,I was raped and almost killed by a group of druggies, I wanted to go back home but I couldn't leave Ruby,we have been friends since 5. When I got home,I just sobbed in Rubys arms for hours,and i wouldn't get out of bed for days,I did selfharm but stopped after Ruby found out and put me in therapy. But before i could get lost in dark thoughts i was snapped back to the concert,with Ruby yelling at me. "Eleanorrr!" Ruby yelled, I shook my head and looked at her. "yes?!" I yelled back "You  got any snacks?!" Ruby asked, I shook my head no,and she pouted. "sorry" I mouthed. She went back to looking at the band memebers. I also went back to looking at the stage,but mostly Bill,words can not describe how he looks. Ruby looked at me and caught me staring at awe at Bill. She elbowed me,i turn to her holding my elbow she was just smiling. "ow,what the fuck was that for?" I aksed "Your looking at Bill like you love him or something." Ruby said smiling,I turned away before she could see I was blushing.

The concert was over and the band memebers were saying how much they love their fans and was watching us leave. We had to wait forever. I was still sneaking peeks at Bill,till he caught me. He smiled and kept looking at me, I looked away blushing. While we were leaving the memebers were going up to the barrier and was taking some pictures, they weren't that far from us,Ruby was freaking out and she had a picture of them. They came up to us and Bill looked right at me first and smiled. "hallo" Bill said as he signed the pic, I was standing there being awkward. He came up to me thinking I had a picture,I shook my head. But unstead of walking of he grabbed my hand and wrote something on there,winked and walked off to sign more stuff. I looked to my hand and saw a number I didn't believe it was his number because it would be stupid to just give it. I showed Ruby and she didn't believe it either. We walked off still in shock getting in the car.

We got home and we walked up the stairs. "there's no way that's his number" Ruby said laughing. I just laughed along with Ruby and walked to my room. "hey Ruby i'm going to take a shower,do you maybe want to watch a movie after or that show?" I aksed peeking from my door. "ooh yes we have to tune in for the weekly episode." Ruby shrieked going to get a redbull. I just nodded and closed and locked my door. I looked at number and wrote it down on a paper, then went into the shower and got undress. I love hot showers,and I take my time,like I always do. When i got out i got my purple towel and wrapped it around me. Then went to my closet,and grabbed a plain black baggy shirt and some shorts. I keep looking at the paper. I quicking grab my flip phone and typed it in thinking before i called it,'no I can't' I put my flip phone drop and unlock my door and walked out to see Ruby sitting there with hot popcorn,redbulls,blankets. I smiled and sat down, I love this moments with Ruby yeah we fight but it's whatever. "you going to turn it on or just sit there?" I asked Ruby "shut up" Ruby shoved me. we laughed and she turned it on.

about 45 minutes later we finshed, Ruby got up and said goodnight. "already?" I asked looking at the time "it's only 10:00 pm" I said "really did you forget or something, I have that job interview." Ruby said rolling her eyes "oh yea i did forget" I said "of course you did" She mumbled "Oh stop being dramatic, I love you so much sleep good." I said getting up and hugging her tight, she hugged me back.

I was folding the blankets and cleaning up and when I was done I turned off the lights and walked to my room. I looked back at the paper and grabbed my flip phone again. I typed the number in and put it up to my ear, 'even if it is his number why would he be up right now' I said to myself. Then i heard a voice "Hallo?" The guys voice asked "uh.. it's the girl from i earlier." I said nervous "oh,yes. I bt you didn't actually think this was my number" He said in english and his cute little german accent coming through. I kinda laughed "no I didn't think this was your real number,i didn't think you were able to give it away." I said kinda questioning it "oh no i'm not allow to, i just did." He said while i heard noises'like he was getting up. "why are you awake right now don't you have concerts?" I asked "yeah but I couldn't sleep so." He murmured, I laughed as quietly as i could.

We talk for an hour and then he said that he had to go to sleep now. "aw,well sleep well." i said with kindness in my voice " I will for you." he said then laughed "goodbye" then he hung up, leaving me alone once again.....

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