The race.

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                        Eleanor Pov:

It has been a two weeks since I stopped talking to Bill and Tom,but that hasn't stopped them from calling. Ruby is away all the time because of her new job,"i'm happy she got the job she really loves it." I smile to myself. I was sitting my bed watching tv then got a text from one of Ruby's friends. *heyyy,Eleanor right?* She asked  *uh,yea. Is this Ruby's friend?" I asked her *Oh yea sorry,Ashley." She answer then she contiuned *uh, I bet you didn't there was races here* I couldn't tell if she was asking or just saying *no,I didn't* I answered. Then Ashley send me a location and the time. *you meet me here and we will go.* *uh..I don't think I should* I typed *Ruby's going* Ashley replied. I just closed my phone and thought about if I should go.

I was at the store and then when I was walking past someone,my heart dropped. I saw a famillar face. It's the guy.

He stopped me,and when he did my heart dropped more then it already has. "Eleanor,wait I didn't mean to scare you." He said still holding on my arm. "but you followed me into alley,and it seem like you did." I said with my mind going crazy but my voice calm. "Yes,but that's what he asked for." He said gloom in his eyes but I could see it hurted him. I just nodded and he finally let go of my arm. And he went on his way and so did I looking behind me every now and then.

When I got home,I put on the food away and cleaned up,still thinking about the race. "races? since when has there been races here." I said zoning out. "It must be illegal,because I have never heard of it,maybe 'gangs' No eleanor don't go there" I was snapped out of my trail of thoughts but Ruby entering the apartment. I turn around sharply "oh hey Ruby,I got some food and I was just cleaaing up your mess." I said teasting her,she rolled her eyes and just headed to her room. "oh did Ashley text you the place we're going." Ruby said turning towards me,but my back was already facing her. I shollaw down my thoughts. "oh yeah that,she did." I said a little panick coming put aswell. Ruby sighed "I know you have thoughts on it,tell me." Ruby said,I turned to face her "do you really think it's smart to go somewhere we don't know. The race could be illegal for all we know." I said then I whispered this part "where gangs could be" I said looking at her then my hands.

Ruby looked hurt for some reason,then just when to her room."Why did I hurt her,by saying that." . "Ruby?" I called out knocking on her door. "Eleanor you trust me so it will be safe. And you have barely been out side since that day." Ruby said sounding far away. I just sighed and walked off.

When it was 10:00 p.m, I see Ruby finally coming out. "Eleanor,why aren't you ready." she said angry "uh,i'm not going." I said not looking at her. "Eleanor what the fuck!" She yelled at me, i finally look at her. "Ruby,it's not a big deal. Stay,we could watch a movie." I say getting up going to go touch her arm,but she pulls away. I groan. "fine give me 10 minutes." I say with a angry tone.

About 20 minutes later i'm dress,have some make-up on,and my hair is down and curled a little. I'm wearing a shirt with my favourtive band and some blacks pants with white sides,a beanie,and some to the knee black high heels.

I walk out and I see her reaction to my outfit." I love it!" she shrieked, i just smiled I love seeing her happy.

We went to the spot where Ashley said to meet up and it will be just me,Ashley,and Ruby. Ashley and Ruby ran up to each other hugging, When they were done,Ashley just waved at me and I wave back. Then we when into a part of the city that looked run down. Then we went to into place that was rundown.

Then it didn't look so rundown anymore there was a big group of people mostly girls,and some drunk guys.

Then I looked farther and I saw four race cars,all different colors,A purple,A dark blue,a orange,and a black one.

I look at Ruby. "so there will be four drivers." I said "Oh yea I guess,I wonder if their cute." Ruby said giggling. I rolled my eyes and then I noticed that Ashley was gone for a couple mintues now,then I see her with beers. She offered me one and I shook my head no. Then I saw a black car pull up,and Ruby freaked out. Then I saw four people get out,hoodies covering themselfs. Then they got to the to the cars and started chatting among them. Then I noticed them,they looked famillar. Then they came closer and they put their hoodies down. My smile it faded. and so did Ruby's.

There was Tokio Hotel standing there, Tom not smiling being cold,Bill waving putting on a fake smile,and Georg and Gustav smiling and waving. I turn to look at Ruby,she sure wasn't smiling anymore. "Ruby." I said pulling on her arm. She just let me guide her closer.

"Eleanor." she said blankly "give me a second. I was staring right at Bill,and he cwas scanning the crowd then our eyes met and his smiled down faster than mine,and he put his arm down.

I saw Bill turn to Tom,he whispered something to him. Because now Tom was looking straight at us,and panick showed on their face. They didn't want to be there anymore that's for sure. I tugged on Ruby. "Ruby." I said with anger in my voice,she turned to me not having a expression. "lets go,ok." I said covering my anger with gentle tone,she just nodded. I held on to hr arm tightly and started walking away,Ruby's eyes on me. I looked back and BIll he was looking for us. We were by the exit and then Bill must of spotted up because I heard my name being called out and footsteps. I look behind me and see Bill running and calling my name. But I didn't stop we were out of the building but Bill was still chasing us. We were finally out infront of the street. Then I felt a hand placed on my arm. It was cold,and rough,i turn and see Bill I rip his hand off and pull Ruby closer to me. "what do you want" I demanded stepping back a little. "It's not what you think it is." Bill said panic in his voice. "Then what is it!" I yelled shoving him becasue he kept getting closer to us. "please stay back." I begged,I hurt him but asking that. "Eleanor." He said hurtfully. I just shook my head,and dragged Ruby along looking back to Bill wiping his face and watching us walk away,I wiped away what tear was going down my face and put on a brave face. "hey Ruby." I said gently,slowing moving her hair out of her face,she looked at me sighing,she was nervous I could tell. So I put a smile one face. "lets get some food,what sounds good?" I asked. "uh,i don't know." Ruby stuttered "okay well lets just look ok." I said still a smile,and gently guiding her away from there.

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