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Bill's Pov:


I stared at Eleanor walking away I could tell she was scared but sad. She looked at me one more time, I saw a nod,and then she disappeared around the conner. "Fuck!" I yelled out loud. And I angrily walked back.

"Bill." Tom said as he stopped leaning on the car and stood up striaght. "what happened?" Tom asked nervously. "I screwed up." I trembled,Tom just stood there any being able to say anything or do anything ,if he did he would be seen as weak,and he couldn't do that. But he nodded,and my head dropped low again. I just walked away from the cars and sat down. The people that manager the races came to Tom and he told him what happened. He turned to me and had pity in his eyes. I fucking hate pity,so I look away. I hear yelling and it kills Eleanor I look up and run towards her Ruby in her arms,I was to far to see what happened but I ran then Tom started running when he saw I was.

Once I reached Eleanor I saw what happened,Ruby she was shot and Eleanor was covered in blood and was crying but was trying to hide it. She was on the ground, she looked up at me and I could see the tears. I knee down, "Hey we need the medic!" I yell,I could tell they heard becasue everyone started rushing. I slowing put my hand on her shoulder,she jerks her head turns me, "hey,hey. Listen she will be okay,we have a medic." I muttered so only she could hear me, I may not have the tittle Tom has but people still think i'm cold. Tom would protected me and would die for me. "It was a gang." Eleanor mumbleds,my eyes go wide and look up to Tom,we're not a gang but we have some people here that are. Tom stands over me blocking me from the people so that I can comfort her. I hug her from the side and she wipes her tears. "hey,you can cry. I'm here." I whipser to her and she leans into me and starts softly crying. "Hey Eleanor." Tom asks,she stops sad crying and i can tell it turned to angry cries. she looks up at him,and then stands up. Then their face to face,I hear gasps from people,even i gasp a little. I pull her a away and she doesn't want to bugde but then I pat her and she moves back a little. "what,stalker." She says coldly. Tom is serious I know he feels bad about that. "Eleanor,I." He pauses then continues "I know I scared you but I have to protect my brother,some bitch hurt him,and I can't let it happen again." Tom says with pity. "stop with the pity." I say to Tom coldly,Eleanor turns to me she's..I don't know I can't tell her expression,then she turns back to Tom. "hurt how?" she asks,Tom looks at me and I shake my head no. Tom just looks away. "fine be like that but I could of died." Eleanor said. "hm." Tom says "he had a knife." She mumbled,Tom looked shocked. "wait,what. I never told him to have a knife,I said not to hurt you." Tom said angrily, I was shocked. "a kinfe!" I said freaked out. "Eleanor just kind of stood there she was shocked. I was wondering what the hell is taking the medic so long. "Guys!" I hear Dave yell,we all look over. Tom and me look at each other worried look on our faces. Eleanor didn't look so worried. "we have a problem!" Dave yells. I look at Eleanor I can see worryness crepting on her face. Then we hear gunshots. "Shit!" I grab Eleanor by the waist and throw her over to Tom. "Tom Take her over there where's it safe." I yell. Eleanor didn't like being in Tom's arms,I could also tell she didn't like being surround by us but she needed to save Ruby. She ripped herself from his grip and stood far from him and started her way to Ruby, I didn't want to have to do this but I nodded at Tom,and Tom looked at Eleanor and grabbed her,and he started dragging her away. "NO LET ME GO!" She yelled and hit him and tired to fight him but he was way stronger. The rest of the boys followed,

I looked at Eleanor then down at Ruby. I knee down and check if she was breathing,she wasn't. I couldn't move how could I tell Eleanor her only friend was dead. But I picked her up,and carried her over to the group, we were all in hiding, I was away from the group.

Then all sudden I heard tires,and then I noticed the cars. "shit.." I said. I look behind me and see Eleanor's face drop,those were the people that shot Ruby. I see Dave sneaking over and the medic. "how is she?" The medic asked. I paused not being able to speak, "she's dead." I say not looking at them. The medic picks up Ruby and carries her back to his office,I could see Eleanor eyes following them,panic in her eyes,she starts to follow them. "Eleanor I whispered loud enough so she can hear me,she turns her head towards me and then kepts going. "Fuck." "Eleanor no! I yell to her,as soon as I do that gunshots our way,she runs and hides with me. "Bill,look me in my eyes." Eleanor says,I turn to her,crying. "I'm sorry but she wasn't breathing." I stuggled to say. "no," she started crying and whispering to herself,I tried to calm her but she pulled away. "NO! she can't be...I can't live without her." she sobbed hitting herself. She got up and looked out no more gunshots,she ran for the office. "No!" I yelled to her,more gunshots..she was shot.

I didn't know what to do,I saw her drop to her knees and then her body dropped on the floor. "NO! Eleanor." I shouted,this is the first time I don't know what to do. But I snapped out of it by Tom shaking me and yelling at me. I look up at him crying. I barely know this girl but she's special. and I look past Tom and see Eleanor's limp body laying on the floor.

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