a love no longer found (edited)

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I love you, but that's not what I'm here to say I miss miss you, but I was just on call with you if you seconds ago, and when I was on call with you, my heart was a flame. I couldn't speak well without stuttering over my words but as soon as you ended the call, saying, you have to go now, my heart shattered, and I don't know why? So now I'm here sitting on my bed crying for no reason, listening to a sad song, playlist I listened to one too many times and the reason I'm crying is because I know you'll never look at me the way I look at you, the way I think about you or anything, but I still love you, I know I shouldn't, because why should I continue to love something I know I can never get it's more like a dream, it's more like a hope, but I don't want to wake up from this dream and that hope that I once had it slowly flickering in and out like a candle, that tiny flame that can be blown away but just a small breath. I hurt and ache, my heart still wants you to be mine, but I don't know if I can take that any longer, my tears are starting to dry now, but I still feel hurt. I promised myself I would love you no matter what, but I can't keep that promise much longer when I know there is no hope left for us ever ending up with each other, and yes, I may have just been on call with you talking for hours on end, but what happens when you no longer want to talk to me, what happens when you lose all interested, when you don't want to be friends anymore, what happens then will we just be friends you say hello here and there and nothing else because at this moment, we talked 24/7 as much as we can, but that's only so limited, and you listen to me, but you're already in love with someone.And I know that because you've told me hundreds of times, but I still love you, I can't forget that, but I want to I so dearly, want to for the pain, I feel is no longer happy enjoy it is how a malady tearing my insides apart especially my heart, and I can think back on the memories that we've shared over the years, but those are just that memories that amount to almost nothing and that's what hurts the most, when I realized that the memories don't mean anything, they're just part of the book, that's going to end one day and I don't know how that ending goes, which is when the scary things of life, but that's not what this is supposed to be about. This was supposed to be about love and how I want to love you, but I can't, but I don't think that's what this is fully for anymore so yes, you are the love that I no longer have, though you are not the biggest part of my story even though you are important in it, you're not supposed to be the one who has the spotlight and I don't know who is. But maybe one day I will find that person, but that day I do not know when it will come.so for now, I'll sit on my bed and listen to that sad song playlist in cry, thinking about the next time, I will be able to talk to you, So for now, I'll sit on my bed and listen to that sad song playlist to cry thinking about the next time, I will be able to talk to you, my darling

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