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It had been three weeks since I had last seen Jared.  I had just gotten off the bus and began jogging towards Mollete's, the clothing store located in East Manhattan. My boss Ezekiel stood at the entrance of the boutique, shaking his while tapping on the diamond watch on his wrist. "Late again aren't we Miss Thorpe?" 

"I'm sorry Ezekiel, it won't happen again."

"You're always sorry, but you do a damn good job running the here, You and Charmaine. But I'm gonna need you to tighten up. Got it?"

"Got it Ezekiel."  Charmaine spoke first as I headed to the back of the boutique and into the office. "Hey wassup Zoe?"

"I got a headache, my dogs been barking since getting off that crazy bus,  and I think I'm losing my touch." I explained to her.

Charmaine then followed behind and questioned, "What your poems?" You need to just take a breather and relax. 

"Relax? I barely even get a chance to relax if I can relax."

"Girl just take a breather dang. Okay so look: You see that couple over there in DTRL?" I looked acrossed the mall to see the couple inside the clothing store across from me with their child in tow. They seemed young, and in love. The young girl seemed to be in her mid- twenties while her partner seemed to look a little older. Two years older maybe, maybe thirties. The young girl seemed to be of a fair skin tone and wore in her hair in a messy bun, while resembling Bernice Bugos. She had a mole that rested under her left eye, just over her dimple. 

The man who was caramel brown looked to be of jamaican descent. He rocked a low cut, brushed, and her waves were deep like the ocean. His sleepy brown eyes complimented him very, along chiseled jawline and his tatted sleeves covered his muscular biceps. The family had come out of the store by now, trailing their way down hall with their little girl in tow.

"Zola! You listenin?!" Charmaine yelled out, recapuring my attention. "Yea I'm listening."  Charmaine continued, " Okay so like I was saying girl, that couple over there can be inspiration for your poetry. Use what captures eye. You have a lot inspiration right here in this very mall. " Charmaine was right. Everything and everyone around was my inspiration. I pulled out my journal and began to write my floetry when suddenly Jared walked.

"Wow. So there is  where you worked. There's a nice sense a fashion in here. I'm not stalking you by the way, I was coming to look for a gift for my little sister, it's her birthday today. Charmaine ran back to where I was standing and finished my sentence. "Oh so you have a little sister? Zoe has an older brother. Wow, you two have a lot in common.

"Uh.. had an older brother. My brother passed." Jared furrowed his eyebrows and looked on in disdain before saying "Oh I'm sorry to here to that. Well I'm here now and now that I know that your here, I enjoyed meeting with you last and I was wondering if you were seeing anyone by chance. 

"Him, asking me out? Nah... I'm not his type. What does he want with me? Cute? Maybe a little. Zola, you have to much going on in your life right now to think about a boyfriend. Your life sucks. Besides you don't need a goody goody two shoes ass nigga no way."

Before  I could speak, Charmaine shouted out a response for me in front the whole store, leaving my mouth hanging open.

"She's single!"

Standing with my mouth open while stuck in embarrassment, I instantly close it as the whole store turned to look at me. "You wanna step outside for a sec?  The onlookers continued on with with their shopping as Charmaine was coming back in my direction. "No, no. You've been working everyday this week go on. I'll cover for you, Charmaine said pushing me toward the door.

"Well she is something else isn't it?"  Finally given the chance to speak I spoke and said, "Yep she sure is. She doesn't mean any harm tho. She works hard and she's a person. And to answer your question, my life is too hectic to pursue any romantic relationship".

Jared lifted his hand, cutting me off and stated, "It's okay I'm in no rush. Let's start by taking it slow then. Deal?", holding out his pinky finger to ensure her Zola unspoken intents were sealed. 


Zola and Jared left Mollette's hand in hand, enjoying the night's ray of light.

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