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"Azriel!" The younger called while trailing behind the mysterious woman who was walking on a fast pace.

The students they passed by stare at the two with prying eyes, Bella pay no attention to them as she continue to match the older's pace to catch up with her.

"Azriel!" She called again.

Azriel, certain there were no students around seeing that they ventured the edge of the campus and just at the frontier of the woods, halted on her steps and faced the woman following her.

"Why are you following me?" She asked.

Aelia paused remembering the first time she followed the woman. Those were the exact words spoken by her the first time Bella heard her voice. The only difference is that the first time her voice were icy, now it just sounds curious.

"I want to talk." Aelia responded a little skeptical about the fact they were literally in the woods and it's just the two of them.

Aelia has heard things about the mysterious woman, although none of them were proven true, she's still a little scared.

Stop judging her, bella. She literally saved your life from Izel. Aelia scolded herself silently.

"About what exactly?" Azriel asked.

"You saved me." Aelia answered. "I want to thank you."

The older nod her head. "Okay. Is there anything else?" She said sounding uninterested.

"Why did you do it?" Aelia asked timidly. She's confused, they said Azriel is a bad person, that she's dangerous, then why did she go and protect her from Izel?

She even confronted Izel about fighting her instead of picking on Aelia.

When the older did not answer her, Aelia continued speaking.

"They said you're a bad person, That you're dangerous. So I want to know why you protected me when we don't even know each other."

"I've always hated Valentin's guts." Azriel spoke, as if that answers bella's questions.

"That does not answer my question." Bella stubbornly argued.

Azriel averted her eyes from the younger, and kept mum.

"I'm going to accept her duel invite." Aelia stated after a few minutes of complete silence, tho She don't know why she said that.

"She'll kill you." Azriel simply said.

"One of the rule in a duel is it's prohibited to kill your opponent."

"And you think Valentin will follow through with that rule?" Azriel chuckled humorless.
"You're naive if you think that."

"If I don't give her what she wants she'll continue pestering me."

"She'll stop if you persuade your friend to get back together with her." Azriel suggested which is true. Beside, That's all Izel wanted.

"She's a psycho and a cheater and Kali is one of the nicest person I know, No way I'll tell Kal to get back with her crazy ex."

"Then you'll have to stay away from your friend." Again another spot on suggestion from Azriel, since Jealousy and possessiveness is what's driving Izel to attack Bella.

"No way. She's a great friend." She reasoned out.

The older shrugged then put her hands inside the pocket of her hoodie and Walked past Bella before mumbling.

"Then..." she trailed off
"Do what you want, it's none of my business anyway." Then left, Leaving Bella standing there.

A Z R I E L (A Freenbecky Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now