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Monday rolled back around. It was a mopey day. The only interesting thing that happened was Eric slipping and spilling his raisins. I was sitting in my last period, Mr.Kulkarni's class. "Alright, I know it's the second week of school guys but I'm gonna be that guy and assign an essay." People groaned and complained. "It's gonna be 30% of your grade, it's going to review what you guys learned last year, and it will be due by Friday." I glanced over to my left. I noticed Paxton looked..stressed? Maybe a little anxious? I knew he had to retake this class along with facing history, but I also knew him as a guy who never really cared for his grades. "Okay guys you're free to pack up and get ready to leave. Paxton, could you see me when the bell rings?" From my peripheral vision, I saw Paxton freeze. He was acting pretty weird when Mr.Kulkarni mentioned the essay, and it kept escalating from there.

The bell finally rang and I was exhausted from the day. Paxton went up to Mr.K to talk, but I minded my business. I had to go to my locker to get a few things, but someone tapped my shoulder. I slightly jumped, I was pretty tired so my reflexes weren't great, and I guess it just kinda spooked me. I turned my head and it was Paxton, smiling at me. I furrowed my eyebrows slightly , and was a bit confused on why he was talking to me again. "Can I help you?" I realized that sounded a little mean and I felt kind of bad. "Yeah, you can actually." He looked down at his feet for a second. "Could you help me on this essay? Like I don't know, write it for me?" He talked a lot with his hands. "I'm not your homework slave, and plus what would I get out of it?" He sighed and nodded. "What do you want?" I gazed in eyes and thought for a second. I realized I could get exactly what I needed if I wanted to get at Ethan. "Look, I'll do it. Can I text you later? There's something you could do for me in return. " I shut my locker. "Sure, you could text me your number on Instagram?" "Yeah sure. I gotta go, text you later." Without letting him respond, I walked off in a haste. I knew my brother would have something to complain about when I got in the car, like how it took me a decade to finally get to the car, or how I walk slow, or whatever.

The ride home was normal. The bickering between me and my brother. And O listening in. I felt bad she had to listen to me and Damien argue all the time. We got home, and I had forgotten about me and Paxton's conversation from earlier, but then a notification popped up on my phone and I instantly remembered.


Instagram: paxtonswimz_: u gonna send ur number?
Instagram: paxtonswimz_: hello?

Both notifications were about an hour ago and I'm just now seeing them. Shit. I immediately texted my number to him and apologized for responding so late. I smiled to myself, I had a plan and it needed to follow through. Yes, I was being a little stubborn to Ethan, but I wasn't going to let him treat me like how he did. He switched up on me which kind of pissed me off, and so I knew I had to get back at him.

Unknown number: hey

I knew It was Paxton so I switched his contact name.
P: hey
                                  hii, r u busy rn? : Y
P: I mean kinda
I'm driving rn
                           uh alr why r u driving : Y
                           and also can u come pick
                           me up so we can talk abt
                           our convo from earlier?
P: ur confusing but
sure send ur location

𝐘/𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐋𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

I assumed Paxton would come and pick me up within the next hour. I was going to apologize for being, I don't know..? Passive aggressive in a way? Whatever. I got my things together, phone, keys, wallet, you know. I walked into my moms room with my purse over my shoulder. "Hey, I'm going out for icecream with Amelia. We need to go over some homework stuff." I felt someone stand behind me and so I turned around and it was Ophelia. "Can I come? I want icecream!" "Y/n you can go, just bring icecream back for O. I don't want her being out super late." My mom interrupted my sister. My smile was pitiful as I looked at O. I put my hand on her shoulder. "Sorry kiddo. I'll bring you back some icecream." There was a honk outside my house and so I waved bye to my mom and headed out the door.

Paxton's red Jeep was there on the road next to the sidewalk waiting for me. I saw his silhouette in the drivers seat as I made my way to the car. I walked around the other side into the passengers seat and heard the car unlock. I opened the door and silently got in. "Hey." He said as I got in. "Hi, sorry for the late notice." "Don't worry about it." He slightly smiled. He didn't seem to happy about this, but like I said. I was going to be stubborn if I had to. "And sorry, for..being kind of a dick today. Like the smart mouth kind of talk. I honestly don't know why I was being like that." I explained. "It's cool." He began to drive off. I wasn't sure where we were going, but I wasn't focused on that at the moment. "So, going back to our conversation from earlier. I'll do your essay. Under one condition, you kinda have to fake date me till Saturday. I heard that's one of the hugest parties of the school year..so..yeah.." My tone was nervous, and I was stumbling over my words. I couldn't even look at him, this was the most humiliating thing I've ever said in my life, and I was saying it to the most hottest dude at Sherman oaks, in his own car. We were stopped at a stoplight which made the situation 10x worse. His mouth was slightly opened and his face was just full of confusion. I wanted to jump out of the car into the moving traffic at this point. He slowly nodded trying to understand and process what I had just proposed.

𝚄𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 | Paxton Hall Yoshida x Reader |Where stories live. Discover now