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  Paxton let out a sort of chuckle. "So you're saying if I date you till Saturday, you'll write my essay?" I sighed and nodded in shame. "Yeah..like..fake dating? There's someone who I kinda want to make jealous and I know it's sorta selfish you gotta help me out here." I said in a pleading tone. It was silent again. The only thing you could  here was the tires against the road. After a minute of silence he spoke up again. "Okay, fine. I'll be your..fake boyfriend? If you write this essay. But it better be a damn good essay." One hand was on the steering wheel and his other hand was resting on his leg. "So tell me, who's this guy you're trying to get at?" He gave me that "tell me all the gossip" kind of look a girl would give to another girl if there was tons of drama. I let out a little laugh. "It's Ethan, the guy in my grade." His eyebrows raised. "Oh shit? Damn. What's going on between you two?"
I rolled my eyes remembering how he humiliated me on the first day. "You probably saw what he did on the first day, he said he would make it up by taking me out..and he wanted to take me to a fucking skate park! Can you believe that?" We were both laughing at that point. And we just kept chatting for awhile. I honestly thought he was driving in circles but I wasn't paying attention.

  "Oh by the way, this is gonna sound weird..but could you drive me to an ice cream place? I promised my little sister I'd pick some up for her, sorry." My smile kind of faded, I didn't want him to have to drive me everywhere tonight, I knew he was tired and probably wanted to go home so I felt pretty bad. "You have a little sister? That's pretty dope. And sure, I'll be more than happy too." He gave me a light smile and I nodded. The drive was silent again, but not like how it was 30 minutes ago when I asked him the shameful question for him to fake date me. It wasn't filled with tension this time, it was pretty peaceful. I was pretty happy that Paxton wasn't super weirded out by this idea, and behind closed doors we could just be chill with eachother. I didn't know what Icecream place he was driving me to, but I didn't really care. "What's your little sisters name?" He broke the silence. "Ophelia, but me and my family just call her O." "That's pretty cool, you guys close?" All the sudden, he seemed super invested in my personal life. He was probably just making conversation so it wasn't silent, but I didn't expect this from him. "Yeah, we're pretty tight."

We finally pulled up to an ice cream shop that I've never been to, but heard of. "This was the closest place that was still open." He explained. "Cool. " "Did you want anything?" I asked as I looked up at
Paxton. "Nah, I ate earlier." "Ok then. We gotta discuss some things so cmon." We hurried inside the shop. Nobody was in there besides the exhausted teen working at the counter. I saw a fridge with pints of ice cream next to the counter so I grabbed a plain chocolate one and put it on the counter. "Will that be all?" The employee asked. "I think so yeah." I had a 20$ bill in my purse and handed it to him. I got the change back. "Wanna sit down for a sec?" Paxton nodded and we sat by a window.

"So, I think we need to have a plan here, boundaries, whatever." He didn't say anything, pretty much just listening. "So uh, you can't tell anyone about this. Like not even your closest friends. I'm not even telling Amelia, or my brother. "Yup, got it. Also isn't your brother that Damien kid?" That caught me by surprise. I didn't even think Paxton knew my last name. "Yeah, yeah he is. Kind of a dick right?" He shook his head. "Nah, he's pretty chill." My eyed rolled to the back of my head. Damien was only chill if he was around his friends, or just anybody who wasn't me at this point. "Also, don't be super touchy unless we are around Ethan, but still make it obvious that we are..dating.. does that make sense?" My phone rang and I looked at the time when it did. Shit, it was already 2 hours after I had left. And the caller was my mom. "Hang on, Paxton. My mom is calling." I picked up the phone, bracing myself. "Where are you? Amelia's mom said you girls aren't together! You better not be doing drugs or drinking. Get your ass home!!!" "I'm at an ice cream place with a different friend, we just had to talk about something! I swear!" This was humiliating, having my mom scream at me over the phone and Paxton sitting right in front of me watching it go down. "You better be walking through the front door in 15 minutes or your ass is grounded!" My mom screamed and hung up the phone. "We gotta go, like right now." Paxton didn't understand what was going on but he just nodded and grabbed his keys. We rushed outside into his jeep and sped off. "You know Saturday is that huge party right?" I asked him. "Yup, it's gonna be at my buddies place. I'm stoked." He said with enthusiasm. "Great! Now drive faster before I get my ass beat." We both laughed and he sped up. We finally arrived back to my place as he slowed down in front of my house. He waited for me to get out of the car and I glanced at him. "Thanks for being cool about this, Paxton." "Yeah, no problem. See you tomorrow Y/n."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2023 ⏰

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𝚄𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 | Paxton Hall Yoshida x Reader |Where stories live. Discover now