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Kanae and mitsuri did giyuu's makeup

Giyuu: damn it's actually good

Kanae: like I said I'm a makeup expert!

Giyuu: washing it will feal like a waste

Mitsuri: how about not washing it today?

Giyuu: it has no harsh chemicals right? My skin is sensitive

Kanae: let me check the back hmm seems like no

Giyuu: good now I'm going to bed goodnight girls

Kanae: night

Giyuu closed the door and went to sleep on the couch.there he saw iguro making some pasta

Iguro: heya want some?

Giyuu: yeah I'm like starving right nowww

Iguro: i know we all didn't eat dinner

Giyuu: can you make it spicy?

Iguro: i was gonna

Giyuu: just yk label it as spicy because I know sanemi is gonna eat you know he can't tolerate spice

Iguro: oh yeah I almost forgot oh and btw why are you wearing makeup?

Giyuu: the girls

Iguro: ah ok

Giyuu: if my skin ends up rashed I swear to god I'll-

Iguro: hey I have to talk about something

Giyuu: what happened?

Iguro: so I um kinda have a crush on you're sister...

Giyuu: ah ok

Iguro: you're not mad

Giyuu: nah she can like whoever she wants

Iguro: you seem like a chill bro

Giyuu: half the time i don't have to do anything mitsuri's insane strength scares pretty much all boys

Iguro: I also have something to say

Giyuu: what?

Iguro: you and mitsuri don't really look related

Giyuu: yea she's my stepsister

Iguro: wait wot-

Giyuu: yeah I'm adopted

Iguro: i thought she was the one adopted-

Giyuu: welp people always assume that at first

Iguro: guess you learn something new every day

Giyuu: are you done making the pasta?

Iguro: oh yea here ya go

Giyuu and iguro talked for a while

Iguro: giyuu is there anyone you like?

Giyuu almost chocked on his pasta

Giyuu: their is someone actually

Iguro: telllllll meeeeeee

Giyuu: sanemi shinaguzawa...

Iguro also chocked on his pasta

Iguro: you like him?

Giyuu: yea I do but I'm sure he like kanae I have no chance

Sanemi who was listening the entire conversation was red

Sanemi: he-he like me to?

Sanemi ran to his room and was shrieking like a 16 yr old getting a text back from her crush

Next morning

Mitsuri woke and left the room

Mitsuri: yuu!

Mitsuri ran and hugged giyuu

Giyuu: oh hey! How was you're sleep?

Mitsuri: i slept well!

Giyuu: oh and you're hanging out with iguro today

Mitsuri was red

Mitsuri: why?! You know he is my crush!

Giyuu: quite down Suri he likes you to

Mitsuri was red as a strawberry

Mitsuri: wahhhhhh my crush likes meeeeeeee!!!!!!!! that's what she was thinking

Giyuu: get ready alright?

Kanae also came in

Giyuu: oh hey!

Kanae: oh sorry but I have to leave

Giyuu: oh goodbye I had fun with you!

Kanae: me to yuu bye-bye!

Kanae left

Sanemi also came

Sanemi: you're also coming on a date with me dumbass

Giyuu: haha wait what?!

Sanemi: you hered me right now go on get ready we'll be leaving soon

Giyuu: uhm alright

Mitsuri had smug smile on her face

Giyuu: suri you little

Mitsuri: go and have fun with you're boyfriend!

Giyuu: he is not my boyfriend!

i will protect her with my life (obanai x mitsuri)Where stories live. Discover now