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Mitsuri: I'm gonna leave you love birds now bye!

Giyuu: you-

Mitsuri now left giyuu with sanemi

Sanemi: so uh-

Giyuu: let's just go

Sanemi: uh alright?

They both picked there outfits

Giyuu: c'mon

Sanemi: wait a sec

Giyuu: I'm leaving I'm not gonna wait anymore


Giyuu: could you not yell?

Sanemi: what's with you so grumpy today

Giyuu: nothing

this bi-

Sanemi: let's just go man

Giyuu and sanemi left after locking the main door

Sanemi: so uh.... What's you're favorite food

Giyuu: sanemi... You literally cooked my favourite food a few days ago


Sanemi: what's you're favorite animal?

Giyuu: sanemi... You bought me the cat as a present

Holy shit!

Giyuu just sighed

It was clear that the male was annoyed

Sanemi: what's you're favorite color?

Holy shit wtf did I just ask-

Giyuu: ... Blue....

This conversation is going nowhere...

Giyuu: where are we going?

Sanemi: uhhh

Giyuu: you haven't decided?

How could I forgot to plan the most important thing?!

Sanemi: uh karoke?

Giyuu: no we went yesterday

Sanemi: let's go there

Giyuu: hmm a restaurant? Let's go...

Sanemi and giyuu went inside and sanemi got a call it was from kanae

hello? Oh yeah!

It has been 2 hours sanemi was still on the call completely forgetting about giyuu

Giyuu: I'm leaving you keep talking with you're girlfriend

Sanemi: wait-

Giyuu: hahah no

He went home and locked his room and fell asleep

i will protect her with my life (obanai x mitsuri)Where stories live. Discover now