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Giyuu finally woke up

He stepped out the door to see iguro

Iguro: hey dude you ok?

Giyuu: yeah kinda

Iguro: just talk to me if you need anything k?

Giyuu: alright...

Iguro: k btw mitsuri's waiting for you

Giyuu: oh ok

Giyuu walked into the living room to see mitsuri

Mitsuri: uhm giyuu I wanted to tell you stm

Giyuu: mhh?

Mitsuri: iguro and I uh are dating?

Giyuu: aw congrats

Mitsuri: wait you ain't mad?

Giyuu: why should I?

Mitsuri: alright

Giyuu: go on a date, smash,get married IDC as long you're happy I'm happy

Mitsuri: yeah idk about the smash part

Giyuu: I have seen it in movies

Mitsuri: this is not a movie this is real life yuu!!! She said completely red

Giyuu just looked at her and left

Author note: sorry short chapter! School is a pain in the ass

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