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Edward Pov

I growled hearing Jacobs incredibly loud thoughts made me want to kill him but Nessie would never forgive me but the way he thought of my daughter
isn't really helping his chance of survival at all i growled again hearing him wonder if she even liked him but she did course
"Maybe this was a bad idea "i said to Bella my wife worried
She'll be fine Jacob would never hurt her you know that just as well as i do"she replied trying to soothe me but i was to worried to soothed so i kept growling
"Maybe you something to take this off your mind " she said seductively leaning in to kiss me me i kissed her back and with as much passion i could and so did she i picked her up and leaned her against the wall putting my hands on each side of her head like i did when she was human and played basket ball with my family for the first time and she smiled remembering it to the i kissed the hollow base of her throat then her jaw then her shoulder then i unbuttoned her blouse as she ripped my shirt and we ran to our cottage when we came out it was the middle of day and then heard Jacob's thoughts then i growled again he was kissing Renesmee i did my best not to go out there and stop them right then bad luckily i didn't i thought of how Nessie would hate me if i did so that kept me in control thank god for that

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2015 ⏰

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