Spotting a (supposedly) dead man

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Disclaimer - don't own Beyblade. Only own the plotline and my Ocs.


The sun was setting as a young girl drew on a paper with a pencil. She had sandy blond hair and hazel eyes. Her name was Yuki Nohara.

Yuki sighed, dropping the pencil , everytime she drew something she always drew that design . The design she used to make that earring. The one she gave to him. The one she gave to Hikaru.

Hikaru Sato, the man who stole her heart. The man she loved. The famous Hikaru, the famous man who continues to shine brightly.

After all, Hikaru meant Radiance..

The name suited him. He was Team 5's captain. The one Tyson used to admire. The two were like brothers. The thought saddened her. For Hikaru no longer lived. He continues to live in all their hearts but he is no longer alive. Hikaru died while fighting an intruder. The intruder was a young girl and seemed suspicious. Her brother Kaito had accompanied him .

Kaito was the one who broke the news to her.

Her attention was drawn towards her phone as she heard it buzz.

" Hello? " She answered "what's wrong"

The reply caused her to drop the phone in shock.


Yuki had joined Kami Kemono no Chikara at the age of 9 . She had heard about the famous prodigy. The one who the celestial Bit Beast Dragoon chose as his wielder. She didn't think much of him at first. She though he was a stuck up prat.

When she met Tyson, her opinion changed .Yuki was put in his team at the age of 10 . Team 5 was at that time led by Captain Raymond.

She felt pity after hearing his story. She then formed a good friendship with Tyson, who somehow was a good friend of Kaito. When around her, Tyson was understanding and caring, similar to what a brother would act like. And when he was near Kaito? The two would rival each other in their goofiness and were like best friends.

Despite his easy going demeanor around them his character switched to another one when he was meeting other teams. During these times , the way he carried himself differed. To Yuki, Tyson was a magnificent puzzle. A puzzle Yuki didn't know how to piece together. And perhaps, the puzzle was not yet complete.

Then at the age of 12 , their captain changed. Captain Raymond was retiring and Hikaru Sato, the lieutenant became the Captain. Hikaru had been away on a long mission. He returned just before Raymond's retirement.

Tyson and Hikaru, she noticed were close, like brothers.

The team was divided into two. Yuki, Hikaru and Samantha in one team. Tyson, Catherine and Nick, Samantha's boyfriend, in the other. She wondered why she was put into Team 4 . She wasn't in the same level in fighting like the ones around her and she didn't have the abilities Catherine had.

When she questioned the same to Hikaru , his answer was this

"You have potential, Yuki. Your skills will grow soon and besides your biggest skill is your ability to dream, to create "

She wonders when love blossomed in her heart . It was like a hurricane and it hit her with all it's might.

But sadly, good things don't last long. For Hikaru Sato was snatched away from her and here she was, alone. Yet again.

Kaito yawned. It had been a long day.

The sunset looked beautiful. He smiled and turned to the left to use a short cut. But after turning around , his feet didn't move.

His eyes widened in shock as he saw the former captain of team 5 walk by, into the woods. He rubbed his eyes and pincher his arm. This was no dream.

But how on earth was a ,supposedly ,dead man walking around?

He knew that Hikaru Sato used to date his sister. He knew that she should be the last person to know about. And yet, she was the person he was calling now.

" Hello? " He heard her voice " What's wrong" He heard her ask.

" I - I saw Hikaru, sis " He spoke, breaking the news to her. Yet again .


Tyson stretched as he got up. It had been a week since Ichigo's training began. Kakashi held a bell test for the orange head which was a funny incident. Ichigo being planted ,with only his head sticking out was a sight to behold.

In a few days , Ichigo was to go back to his dimension. Tyson had taken a permission for a months leave. He hadn't taken it to invest it completely in Ichigo's training . He had done so to investigate more about the advisors and to meet his grandmother. Yolanda Kinomiya.

Yolanda Kinomiya was a retired craftswoman. She was perhaps equal to Akira Suzuki in her prime. She was the mother of Yoshie Kinomiya and Pristine Kinomiya. Yoshie was the carbon copy of Yolanda. Mother and daughter looked exactly the same.

Yolanda had the ill fate of having to bury her own daughter. She cursed her daughter's husband and shut away her grandchildren and younger daughter.

It took Tyson and Pristine a great deal of work to win her over. Tyson had just spoken to her that evening. He spoke about everything that had happened in his life and the three broke down.

Ever since then Tyson was always invited into her humble abode whenever he wanted. She continued to dislike Tyson's father and Tyson felt that it was fair enough. He didn't blame his father for his mother's death. The reason for her death was a secret which was well guarded by Pristine. But he couldn't say he loved his father. What happened when he was a child would always remain in his heart, as a scar .

Tyson trudged down the stairs and was greeted with breakfast made by a masked ninja. Kakashi was, surprisingly, a great cook and he made excellent dishes.

Kakashi merely smiled at Tyson's compliment and joked that living alone teaches you many things.

That stung.

Kakashi hadn't had much of a great life but Tyson hoped that Kakashi would soon be able to find his happy place and live the life he should have.

Tyson ate up his breakfast and marched outside for helping Ichigo in his training. He didn't hear his phone ring continuously. The phone vibrated and fell to the floor. The flip phone opened and the caller ID was visible. The call was made by Yuki Nohara.


(A/n ~ Yuki's design ain't complete ,thats why I put Kaito instead. I'll post the Oc's drawings soon. I'll probably make a filler chapter to do so.

Until next time y'all. )

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