To take lives.

21 1 0

Disclaimer- don't own any of the animes, I only own this plotline and my Ocs


Tyson swings down his sword, with intent to kill. She grins as she dodges it barely. She skids back and looks back up with a feral. Tyson's chest heaves as he pants, this woman was crazy.

She had multiple wounds all over her body that Tyson had inflicted, but she didn't seem to care. She continued to keep hitting him with her techniques and attacks, unfazed. And somehow, it so seemed that, the more the wounds he inflicted on her, the more the power her next attack held.

It was weird. It didn't make any sense. Why was she growing more and more powerful?Could it be that she lied about her technique? What was going on?

" Ah, you're probably thinking what exactly is going on, aren't you? " She says with a sneer.

" I didn't lie about my technique, don't worry." She says, tearing a piece of cloth from her skirt to tie it to her bleeding arm.

" The pain just helps me go further. People can say I have a few loose screws in the head, I couldn't care less about them "

She charges ahead and throws her dagger forward, catching Tyson by surprise. He moves his head to the side to avoid the dagger. She quickly surges forward to catch the dagger. She then swings her arm with dagger towards Tysons face, which is quickly blocked by his forearm. The dagger pierces his skin, drawing blood.

" It's the truth anyway."

She drags it across his skin quickly and jumps away. She watches the blood drip from the blade to the ground with mild fascination. She hums and looks back up at Tyson,

" So, what do you have to say about that? " She asks, pointing the dagger at Tyson, with a grin.

Tyson sighs, grabbing the little bundle a bandages behind his back and wraps it around his forearm.

" Well, I guess I would agree with the people. You do have a few screws loose. But yeah, most of the people I've met are the same. " He responds with a shrug before charging ahead once again, this time slashing across her torso.

She hums after hearing his response , not even reacting to his attack. She watches Tyson curiously, before grinning again.

" I like you kid. You're a good opponent. "

The resumed their fight once these words were exchanged.

The fight went longer than both of them had expected it .

She glances back at the third door. Her laboratory was half destroyed, but the third room seemed to have remained intact.

The third room..

Tyson wonders what is within. And hopes that Haru or some clue that would lead to Haru is within it.

She swings her dagger across his face. Tyson quickly twists his face away and catches her wrist. He twists it and knees her in the stomach, causing her to drop the dagger. She tugs away her arm and staggers away . Tyson quickly grabs the dagger and places it in his back pocket.

She glares at the boy, her eyes calculative as she stared.

She had exhausted her resources of chemical elements during the fight. She no longer had weapons on her.

So now what..?

She turns on her heel to rush to the exit.

" Not so fast" Tyson says, quickly using wind slash to stop her. She yelps as the ceiling cracks and falls. She hisses as one of them hits her leg.

She slowly turns back again to face her opponent. She grits her teeth, now desperate to win or at least get out alive.

" Where did your courage go? That ' pain pushes me forward ' was all fake? " Tyson mock, flicking away some blood from his sword.

She grits her teeth . Her anger rising. She did think that he was a very good opponent. But he turned out to be too good. She still had things she needed to research on. Still had things to do. She couldn't risk dying. Not here,not now.

Her eyes catch sight of a shinning metal nearby. She leaps forward to grab it, her nail breaks as she does so. She then leaps to her side to slash Tyson with the metal, hoping that this would startle him.

Tyson merely dodges it by twisting his body away. He uses the second her feet are slightly out of balance to kick her to the ground. She falls to the floor, the left heel of her shoe breaking. She grunts as she hits the ground.

Tyson points the tip of his sword to her neck.

" If you want to know where your dumb friend is, he is in that third room. You can go get him. "

" I was going to ask you that. Thanks for saving the time " He responds,not moving from his position

"It's useless though." She continues after a moment " He's practically a vegetable now. " She huffs out a laugh " What a waste it was to have gone through all this for a guy who is no longer useful , don't you think so.

Tyson stares down at her with cold eyes, a new emotion now surging in them, disgust.

" I have a question for you. " Tyson spoke a moment later.

" Do you work for Daiki? "

[ Tyson had received information of Ichigo's attack and about Daiki the previous day . The meeting to discuss about the same was to be held in two days time. ]

Her eyes narrow. Her expression as though she had not expected him to know about Daiki.

" Perhaps. What's that got to do with you?" She asks, raising a brow.

" I see. Very well then. Good bye. " With that he brought down his sword, piercing her neck.

She doesn't scream due to her surprise. She stares at him shocked, for she had not expected him to give her the finishing blow.

He watches as life slowly ebbs away from her eyes. Her glowing yellow orbs, slowly turning dull.

He withdraws his sword, flicking away the blood and walks away.

The same wretched feeling creeps up his back. The same feeling he felt whenever he was forced to take lives. He had all their blood in his hands. All those people weren't good. They all were terrible. Disgusting. And yet, he felt his stomach churn every time he killed.

Nowadays , he didn't feel too awful. He was used to it.

He shakes his head. All of those lives had to be taken. They were orders. And those orders were made to ensure peace. His hands curl into fists as he decides to focus on his task.

The third room will lead him to Haru. That would end this mission. And right now, he really just wanted to return home.


( Sorry for the delay!

I got stuck in between..

Anyway! Until next time y'all)

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