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Disclaimer - Don't own Beyblade. The ocs are mine.


Tyson entered the base, he noticed all of them having rather ominous looks.

" Tyson! " He heard, it was Yuki. Yuki ran towards him, her legs coming to a halt in front of him.

" What's wrong " He asked with a frown. He had never seen Yuki act so distressed

" Hikaru. " She spoke, her voice cracking a bit " Hikaru was spotted... "

Tyson's eyes widen. He had never expected such a news. He frowns, he had left two months ago and hadn't bothered to visit or check in on them. He had never imagine such a situation to arise now. He grits his teeth, he is team captain. He should've .. He sighs, no use regretting now. He finally opens his mouth to speak

" When "

" A week after you left for for your holiday"Kaito answers.

Tyson nods

" I want to discuss further soon. Is samantha here? "

" Yeah, she arrived a few days ago. " Kaito replied

" Alright. I hope Catherine is here. Let's hold a meeting once I show our guests to their rooms " Tyson said .

" That won't be necessary, Blue dragon. " A tall woman with a brown complexion and hazel eyes spoke. Her hair was neatly tied into a bun. Her accent showed that she was from a foreign nation.

Tyson glances at her,

" Aadrika " He said, acknowledging her presence.

" Blue Dragon, feel free to sort out the troubles of your team. I shall lead our famed guests to their rooms. " She speaks

Hilary eyebrows scrunch up . She didn't like the way she was described them. She wonder why, but her presence irritated him. She usually avoids people like that. She knew that his first impressions on people was usually correct. She always knew Tyson was a pain in the ass when she met him.

Kai studies the woman in front of him. She was stoic, her face elegant but somehow it didn't seem natural. It felt forced, like it was hammered into her. And for whatever reason, he knew that he may not get along with her. Somehow he also felt that she was somewhat loyal. He wasn't that much of a great judge in character but he wasn't too bad. But then again some of his predictions do turn out wrong.

Tyson frowns wondering why she had a sudden interest in them. Aadrika was a member from India. She had come to visit them in Shakti's place to check on the renovations. She was supposed to leave in one month, so why on earth was she still here.

Tyson's frown straightens, his face stoic. She must have extended her visit after learning about the other celestial bit beast wielder's being recruited. He lets out a silent sigh and decides to take care of his team first.

He nods, accepting her offer.

" Guy this is Aadrika, from India . She will be escorting you to your room. Please excuse me "

Aadrika nods and Tyson takes his leave

"Let's head to your rooms , shall we? " Aadrika says with a nod.

They follow the woman to their room.

" Hey can I ask you a few things?" Kenny asks.

Kenny couldn't resist asking her questions, she seemed powerful and she held the same aura Tyson did when he switched to his Blue Dragon persona.

" I don't mind if you do. " Aadrika answers

" Well .. Could you tell me what your bit beast is? " Kenny asks

" Why that's a very interesting question. Why do you want to know? " She says, her lips finally twitching into an amused smile.

Kenny stutters as he has no clue how to answer . He was merely curious.

" My bit beast is the celestial Cougar, also known as the Puma , the mountain lion or catamount. He is a strong bit beast that was passed down to me by my grandmother. His attacks, well that's a secret " Aadrika answers noticing Kenny's embarrassment.

Kenny nods and smile before asking her another question.

" Tyson said he was ranked 3 in captains here. What does that mean? "

" Well, it means Tyson is the third strongest captain here. The 2nd strongest is a captain from India, but he will soon retire allowing Tyson to claim his spot and me Tysons. " She replies

" So, you are the fourth."

She nods

"So who is the first? "

" The first is our leader. The famous Shakti. He is the second leader of our organisation. His powers are legendary, very few know about them , even fewer have seen it. His powers may not seem to be powerful when you first know about it but then you soon realise it's true meaning. I have studied under him for 2 years. " Aadrika says, a proud gleam in her eyes.

" What are his powers? " Kenny asks

" I am afraid that is a secret "

" So , you told us he is the second leader of your organisation. Who was the first? " Hilary asks

" That is Divya. She was the founder of our organisation. The power of divine bit beasts. She could control all elements and she was a good leader. She guided all of us through every difficult situation. She was truly an amazing woman. " Aadrika answers

" Tyson told us you are from India. Why are you here? " Hilary asks

" That is also secret. "

Hilary pouts. Why was everything a secret?

They turned to the left. Aadrika stopped in front of two room.

" These are your rooms. The one written as room 10 and room 11 are for the boys. The young woman can take room 7 which she will share with Yuki Nohara. "

The group nods . And Aadrika takes her leave.

" I hope you enjoy your visit and I hope you will follow our rules within these grounds. "

The group split up and enter their rooms. Kenny and Kai in 11 ( both silently agreed that they needed peace and quiet) while Daichi, Max and Ray in room. (Ray didn't mind their noise)

Hilary entered room 7 and places her suitcase in. Yuki Nohara. Hilary hopes she has a nice roommate.


Tyson quickly shuffled to the training grounds. Teams held meetings wherever they pleased. As long as it's only one team, you can hold a meeting anywhere. When one team meets with another team or two, they have to use the conference room right next to the the advisors' room.

He spotted them clustered near the benches.
The training ground was built well. The ground was slightly grass and there were trees nearby. There was a tap nearby for water and a few benches were place close by as a resting place.

The team looks up at him as he stands next to them.

" Wassup, Captain " Samantha says her face dull " Let's begin our discussion on our previous Captain who was supposed to be dead but is now walking around,alive . "


( Sorry about the delay.

Until next time y'all.)

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