Ramen of love

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'oh my.. where could Nendou-senpai be..? I have been waiting for 6 hours... When will school time end for him? This meeting we are going to have is VERY important..'

A loud ringing suddenly breaks the silence, and students clutter out of the building

"Nendou..!! Where are you!?"

Lucky for uryoku, a tall man with two balls on his face, a scar on his eye, beautiful elongated ear lobes, and a scrumptious mowhawk suddenly appears behind uryoku. Uryoku turns around delightfully and smiles, he stares into nendous stunning green eyes

"Heyyyyyy! What's up cutie pie? Time to get some ramen!"

Before uryoku has the time to process Nendous appearance without staring at Nendous stunning imagery, uryoku is swept off his feet and carried bridal style. Uryoku blushes

"H-hey..! Don't pick me up like that senpai..!"

"Oh, but I will if I want to, my beautiful gangreen~" 

Nendou giggles and skips to the ramen shop, uryoku in his arms. After about 3.14159265 seconds of skipping, uryoku and nendou make it to the ramen shop. Nendou sits his vulumptious little prince down in a seat. Nendou speaks in a deep, manly, and commanding voice to the waiter.

"Two ramen bowls please.. beef flavored with extra brocoli!"

The waiter also blushes, nendou is just that dashing~

"O-oh..! I will get you and your boyfriend two ramen bowls as soon as possible!!"

The waiter then bows down to nendou, getting on his hands and knees before running for his life to go get nendou and uryokus ramen.

"Boyfriend!? That's quite a statement!"

Nendou says loudly, his voice seems to shake the ground and cause a mini earthquake, some people fell out of their chairs and started shaking in fear, uryoku found this quite manly of nendou though..

"Oh nendou~ you really do know how to order people around.. I don't think I would mind being your boyfriend.."

Uryoku seductively bites the tip of his finger.

"Oh, as long as my mom doesn't find out about this, I suppose you can be my cute little dilf.."

The waiter suddenly walks up to you guys again, this time with a tray that had two bowls of ramen, both bowls were beef with extra broccoli

"Nendou-senpai.. I don't think we need two bowls of ramen~"

Nendou nods in agreement, he aggressively takes a bowl of ramen off of the tray that the waiter was carrying and he makes a quick sigma male expression before slamming the bowl on the table, the waiter stares in shock. Things move along quite quickly, because the next moment, uryoku and nendou are both violently slurping the noodles inside the ramen bowl. Both of their mouths meet as they suck the noodles in their mouth. The waiter watches almost as if he's about to faint.

"My little puppy.. this ramen tastes far more exquisite with your mouth on mine~"

Suddenly the kiss is broken off after the waiter karate chops Nendous lips away from uryokus. The waiter suddenly speaks up, his voice is cracking and breaking, he is violently sobbing.

"Uryoku! My sweet man! What are you doing with nendou!? I thought you only sucked my noodle!!"

"Wh-what do you mean? Nendou-senpai is my boyfriend..!"

Nendou looks around nervously, all the sudden the waiter pulls off his disguise. This was no waiter... This was...

"How could you cheat on me uryoku!? With my own son!!"

Nendous mom sobs, the ramen shop floods with tears causing some babys to learn how to swim

"B-but-.. I love nendou-senpai!! F#cksh*tc_n!@$$b1tc&wh0+r3pr'¢%!!!"

Nendou suddenly speaks up, feeling horribly guilty, but knowing he just has to admit this

"Mom.. me and uryoku have already been dating for seven months.. I love him and he loves me... More then you..."

Suddenly Nendous mom cackles and starts levitating, uryoku screams in panic. Suddenly the skinsuit of Nendous mom has been taken off. This whole time, that wasnt actually Nendous mom, but it was rather, uryokus other  love interests

"Oh my... It's you guys! My beautiful magician doves.."

"WHAT-!?" Nendou says flabbergasted

The doves fly around Nendous head and take a big fat shit.

"You thought that just because your fine as hell, that you could cheat on us with Nendous mom, Nendou riki, and Makoto teruhashi? Nice try.."

"I-Im so sorry dove-senpais.. I promise I love you the most!"

Nendou has never felt so heartbroken, he starts crying and crying.. he just can't bare the news.

"Dove-senpais! P-please- spare me~"

The doves look down at uryoku majestically, hues of light purples, blues, and yellows swarm through the air angelically. Then the doves all extend their wings out and slap uryoku in unison. Uryoku flies out the window

"So Nendou riki~ now that your boyfriends dead, we can finally have our romance~"

Nendou blushes and whips out his 69 inch cock, then after that Nendou and the doves drown themselves in a hotub of ramen and die together lovingly, almost like Romeo and Juliet~

The end.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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