Trapped (Xelqua and Scar)

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Xelqua was listening to Chryso ramble about some mortal he'd met whilst walking around the mortal realm in disguise when a voice interrupted his thoughts.

This wasn't unusual- every single prayer, wish, curse and service dedicated to him, he could hear, and since Xelqua (not to brag or anything) was basically the most worshipped god, these voices had become a constant stream of noise that he had learned to tune out over time.

The only thing that made this voice stand out was the tone of voice.

Most of the prayers he received were in a hushed, somewhat awed (again, he wasn't bragging or anything, it was just true) manner of speaking, but this one sounded more confused than anything.

Also, it didn't sound like they were talking to him.

Xelqua paused thoughtfully, clearing his throat. "Sorry, Chry, I have a thing to go- check on."

Chryso shrugged. "Eh. It's fine. I'll just-" The brunette glanced around the fields stretching for miles around them in the realm of the gods (although miles were practically centimetres to gods, who could travel hours worth of distance in seconds if they were thinking straight). "Go bother Psariah. I think he's hiding in his lake thing."

Xelqua nodded, smiling awkwardly before pausing thoughtfully. The world around him flickered and the lush fields were replaced with dark, candlelit walls of his temple. He glanced sideways to the mortal (who couldn't see him currently, as he was hiding behind a column) and watched whatever he was doing with a curious expression.

The mortal was muttering to himself with a panicked expression as he appeared to kick the door to the temple, which was closed. "Great- job, Scar, you have- trapped yourself in a stupid temple that you weren't even meant to be in and now you're gonna get in trouble and-" 'Scar' continued to grumble under his breath as he tried in vain to push the door open with his feeble mortal strength. This gave Xelqua a few minutes to look him over.

The mortal stuck in his temple had messy, shoulder length brown hair that clearly wasn't taken care of based on the leaves tangled in it, bright green eyes and scars scattered all over his body- scars from what, Xelqua wasn't sure. He was wearing a torn piece of fabric that barely counted as an outfit- the sleeves were missing and there were pieces of loosely stitched fabric that didn't match the colour of the original shirt covering some of the gaps.

Despite that, if this Scar was an immortal (Xelqua had no interest in mortals, obviously- they were mortals! They were awful and boring and selfish and absolutely not attractive), Xelqua had to admit that he may have found him rather attractive.

For a few minutes more, the god of Creation simply watched Scar. He had no interest in helping him for now- this was quite simply just entertainment.

After a few more minutes of pushing against the large doors with muttered complaints, Scar let out a defeated sigh, walking over and sitting down on the steps up to the higher part of the temple with a bored expression. "Guess I'll just get shouted at when one of the priests come in here." Scar muttered with a sigh- he still appeared to be acting in a jokingly dramatic way, even though as far as Scar knew, there was nobody else there to witness it.

Xelqua paused thoughtfully, glancing at the door and making a small hand gesture. A small gust of wind came out of nowhere, hitting the doors and causing them to burst open. Scar jumped slightly at the way they suddenly opened, staring at them as his mouth moved but no words came out. "Uh- thanks? Wind? One of the gods? Who knows, I don't-" Scar paused as his gaze landed on a purple feather that was slowly drifting downwards, towards the floor.

Namely, one of Xelqua's wing feathers which he hadn't realised had been caught by the gust of wind he had summoned.

The brunette paused before picking the feather up, studying it with an intrigued expression before glancing around again. "Huh. Thanks... Xelqua? I guess?" Scar shrugged before walking out of the temple, humming and singing a song under his breath that seemed to consist only of lyrics about how awesome he was.

Xelqua stared out of the doors, even as Scar went out of sight. He only returned to the realm of gods when a priest was about to enter his temple.

Mortals were fascinating creatures.

Word Count: 758 :D

And yeah this is just kinda- how Grian and Scar 'met' (Scar didn't really know Grian was there he was just kinda guessing as to where the gust of wind in a windowless building came from lol)

I don't proofread sorry lol

Also these probably won't be in chronological order sorry lol

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