Odd People (Impulse, Scar, Xelqua, Thysi and Krevai)

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Impulse wasn't sure exactly when he began surrounding himself with... odd people (to put it politely).

If he had to think, it started with Scar's new husband.


Impulse glanced away from the wax tablet he was scribbling on as a knock on the door sounded. Huh... is that- Scar?

There was nobody else it could be, really- the farmer didn't have any other friends apart from a priest called Mumbo (and a priest of Psariah called Scott who merely tolerated him, but he wasn't especially important), and his family had stopped speaking to him years ago once he confessed that, actually, he didn't plan on becoming a priest in the temple of Nekros like the rest of his family (most priests of Nekros didn't exactly have a pretty death, normally something fiery and violent, and Impulse preferred Fotia, Erpo and Thysi anyway).

Impulse paused for a moment before opening the door. Sure enough, it was Scar, looking incredibly excited, but there was a new person stood next to him, the brunette found.

It was a man a couple of inches shorter than Scar. He had neat dirty blonde hair, odd gray eyes that were surely just a pale shade of blue in a different lighting, and he was wearing white and purple robes with gold embroidery reminiscent of feathers.

The neat, unblemished state of his robes and the gold rings with a chunk of amethyst on every finger, the silver necklace around his neck and the slightly oxidised copper anklet around his leg suggested that the man was fairly wealthy, to say the least.

Impulse smiled politely. "Ah. Scar. Who, uh- who's your new... friend?" He asked slowly.

"Husband, actually! This is Xel- Grian!" Scar chirped, beaming. This guy's his what now?

"H- husband? How come I've never, uh- met him? When did you get married?" The brown eyed man said slowly, squinting at Grian, who shrugged and let out a sound vaguely like a laugh. He could have sworn he'd seen the dirty blonde somewhere before, but he couldn't figure out where, so he just ignored it.

"We got married yesterday! And I- never got round to introducing him to you, I guess?" The green eyed man said with a laugh.

"Mhm. What he said. It's... nice to meet you." Grian tilted his head slightly. "Impulse, right?" He asked quietly, attempting something that looked vaguely similar to a smile.

"That... is correct." Impulse said slowly as Grian's gaze flicked to his house, frowning as he tried to figure out at what point in the conversation his name had been mentioned.

"You live in this tiny place all by yourself? That's a rather sad existence, isn't it?" Scar shot his husband a warning look.

"Grian, be nice. We've talked about this." The brunette muttered, before smiling awkwardly. "Sorry. He... grew up in a very isolated place. He's not great at interacting with people." Scar apologised. "He's lovely once you get to know him, I promise."

Impulse smiled as well. "I'm... sure he is, Scar."




Grian did eventually become a lot nicer around Impulse (eventually being a key word).

Grian making a trip to the place he grew up to settle... something or other (Scar was very vague about the details and Grian refused to talk about it at all) sped this process up heavily- he seemed a lot more lighthearted and friendly after his trip.

The next two odd people he surrounded himself with, he met at the market in his small village a few months later.

And they certainly were something different.

Especially Skizz.


Impulse glanced away from the stall he was looking over at the sound of a lame protest. "All of this stuff is awful. Why did we even come here?" Someone whined. "There's much better stuff back home."

"It's for the experience, Krev." Another voice informed them wisely as Impulse turned around.

There were two men stood at the stall nearby. The one who'd been complaining was easily the shortest of the two. He had unruly, curly dark brown hair, freckles scattered lightly across his face and shoulders- which were visible due to an unseemly tear in his tunic. One of his eyes was a deep green and the other was a warm brown, and he was tapping his foot impatiently as he scowled at his taller companion.

The first man's friend was absolutely gorgeous, by the way (in the least weird way possible, that was). He had curly (seemed to be a running theme) black hair and bright blue eyes that reminded Impulse of the ocean and the sky and every other good blue thing. He was wearing an uncomfortable looking white shirt and a suit jacket with the sleeves ripped off.

The taller of the two glanced sideways as his friend continued to complain, scanning the area. He stopped looking around as he locked eyes with Impulse. The raven-haired man opened his mouth to say something but no words came out. His friend followed his gaze, scoffing and rolling his eyes. "Stop staring at that random m- guy, oh there he- there he goes." The man with multicoloured eyes sighed as his friend walked over to Impulse.

"Uh- hey, hi, you... look like someone who'd know their way around-" The blue-eyed man gestured to the market. "We're new here." He added, jabbing his finger in the direction of his companion.

"Oh! Uh, I don't- come down to the market too often." Impulse said with a slightly embarrassed laugh, silently wishing that he was able to help in some way. "I can- find someone who could give you suggestions?" He offered slowly.

"Oh, no it's fine, he just wanted an excuse to say hi to you." The man's friend informed him, shooting a glare in the ravenette's direction and muttering under his breath, in a sing song tone of voice, "Thanagapi."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. What's your- name by the way?" The blue-eyed man asked brightly.

"Oh- Impulse! What's yours?"

"Uh... S...ki...zz." Skizz finished lamely, his gaze flicking all around him. "Yeah, Skizz! And this is my friend, uh-" He glanced at the shorter man, who's gaze was flicking between a bee and a sign nearby.

"B... Dubs? BDubs?" Impulse blinked. You'd think they'd sound more certain about their own names.

"So- Skizz and BDubs." His smile widened as the two nodded. "Nice to meet you!" Impulse paused thoughtfully. "I think I- should probably get going now, but it has been nice to- meet you." The brunette added with an odd hand gesture. "Bye!"

Impulse could feel at least one of them watching as he walked away.

It wasn't the first time he ran into Skizz and BDubs at the marketplace, and it certainly wouldn't be the last.

Word Count: 1111 words

Impulse is a god magnet frfr

Just a silly lil guy caught up with godly shenanigans

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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