Chapter -13

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Dwani pov

  Today is the day of the party, and I woke up early, filled with excitement. Unfortunately, I couldn't sleep well because of it. After preparing breakfast and lunch for Vedant sir, I packed everything in an insulated container and gave him a call to pick up the food. Within half an hour, he arrived to collect the food and even offered to drop me off at the restaurant for my morning shift. Feeling happy, I greeted everyone with a pleasant smile and served them throughout the day, earning many tips.

Around 3 o'clock, I headed back home to rest for a while. After a refreshing bath, I wore my favorite pink suit and began my journey to the clubhouse. As I approached the gate, I noticed many people dressed stylishly and attractively, while I was wearing a simple suit. I stood near the gate, quietly waiting for someone from my class to arrive. That's when I saw Vedant sir and his friends driving up in an expensive car. I didn't know its name, but they looked modern and fashionable. Vedant sir, looking hot as ever, drove past me without noticing my presence.

I continued waiting at the gate for another hour until I finally saw Priyanka arriving with a guy our age must be her boyfriend I waved at her  she was so engrossed in talk with that boy  she didn't notice  me. She entered through the same door, so I decided to follow her  and entered the club. As I walked in, I felt everyone's eyes on me, and I couldn't understand why. Trying to avoid attention, I quietly made my way to a chair near the lounge area and sat down.

I noticed that many people were still staring at me and passing comments. Suddenly, a senior student approached me, pushed me to the center, and called everyone's attention. She said, "Look, everyone, who do we have here? A suit girl!" Laughter erupted from the crowd as they began mocking and teasing me. The senior continued, "Now, guys, the trend is changing. She is our trendsetter. From now onwards, we will all only wear suits in the club." The ridicule and laughter intensified, and even Vedant sir was looking at me, though he didn't join in the laughter. His friends, on the other hand, seemed to find it amusing. I felt an overwhelming sense of embarrassment, and tears welled up in my eyes. Priyanka was also nowhere to be seen.

Feeling utterly humiliated, I rushed outside and overheard someone saying, "She only wears 2 or 3 suits repeatedly to college. It's like she doesn't have any other dress to wear." The comment pierced through me, and I couldn't hold back my tears. I went back home and started packing my bags. I no longer wanted to stay there; all I wanted was to hide away in my orphanage. I left for the bus stand, but since it was already night, there were no buses available to my native place. So, I waited there, feeling lost and alone.

As Dwani stood at the bus stop, her mind wandered into deep contemplation. She couldn't help but reflect on a recurring issue that troubled her: the constant humiliation of the poor by the rich. Dwani's heart resonated with a strong belief that every individual, regardless of their financial status, deserved to live with dignity and be treated with respect in society.

Vedant pov

   Today is the day of the party, and as I woke up, my phone started ringing. It was Dwani on the other end, asking me to come and get my breakfast and lunch. I told her that I would be there in half an hour. I quickly brushed my teeth, took a bath, got dressed, and headed to her house.

I picked up the food and dropped her off near the restaurant. Then I went straight home and had my breakfast. Today, my friends are coming to my house, and I eagerly waited for them. After some time, they arrived, and together we watched a comedy film. Then, Sneha and Rita left for their homes as they needed to get ready and do their makeup.

Around 6 o'clock, the three of us got ready in our bedroom and went to the club. On our way, we picked up the girls, who were dressed quite provocatively. We drove to our destination, and upon entering the club, I started searching for Dwani. However, she was nowhere to be found. I assumed she hadn't arrived yet.

Suddenly, we heard a mass of laughter coming from one corner of the club. When we turned to look, we saw Dwani standing at the center, while a girl from my class was criticizing her dressing. I silently listened to her words, feeling helpless. I couldn't come to Dwani's defense because my friends didn't know about my little crush on her. If they found out, it would break the atmosphere, and these kinds of situations were common in the club, so my friends were also laughing along.

I noticed that Dwani was looking at me, but I remained helpless. Today, I felt terrible seeing her in tears. Suddenly, Dwani ran away from there, and everyone continued to laugh at her. As the crowd dispersed, my mind was filled with thoughts of Dwani. I couldn't enjoy the party anymore, so I told my friends that my grandmother was calling me and I had to leave urgently. They agreed, and I left from there.

I went to the old house, but the door was open, and Dwani was nowhere to be found. Her things were missing as well. I searched everywhere, including the road leading to the club, but she was nowhere to be seen. I don't know where to find her. I know she must be hurt really badly today, and it's because of my foolishness that she had to leave the party. If only I had defended her, she would have been enjoying the party right now.

I stood in the middle of the road, crying. Where could she have gone? She has no one, and I'm worried that something might happen to her.

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